Paper details:
Now imagine you are working as corporate counsel for the CEO of a Fortune 500-like Company. The CEO has asked you to write a memorandum regarding a business question/issue that has arisen at the company, so you, as corporate counsel, must research that topic.
You must prepare a fact pattern in which an issue is facing the corporation, so the memo should begin, “Dear CEO, It has come to my attention that….” You must then discuss the issue at hand and state the legal rules and remedies that relate to your company’s issue.
Then, prepare a “business minded” memo addressed to the CEO providing your advice. You should provide the facts and holdings of each of the three cases that are on point (precedent), how it relates to your company’s situation and why it is important precedent in determining the decision your company will make to resolve their issue.
The assignment must include your analysis and recommendations as well as any facts or information needed to put the issue/question in context. You should end your memo with recommendations and alternatives for the company to pursue in light of the cases you have found on point. you must do outside research as well (at least 2 outside sources, not including the cases).
Include a bibliography in MLA format. Collaborative work or consulting with an attorney is prohibited. Please proofread you work…typos are very distracting and I do take off points!! A sample paper might be set up such as:
1-1/2 pages of fact pattern (made up) and the law or topic you plan to discuss. Remember the CEO is not an attorney so he/she must be educated on the law, so explain the facts and law in simple understandable terms.
1-1/2 pages for each case in which you lay out the facts and holding of each case. Then analyze the precedent to your fact pattern, so that the similarities and differences are made clear. 1-1/2 pages for the conclusion/recommendations to the company in light of the cases discussed.