Multiple regression project
Paper details:
Hello folks,
As we learned how indicator and interaction term work for MRM (multiple regression models) in class today, you could go ahead play with our practical data set.
1. At this time, please add all conditions check for the model and follow the procedures we performed in class. Explain whether each condition is met or not right after its corresponding plot. (For histogram of residuals plot, select save residuals when you perform MRM, then make the histogram)
2. Perform overall test with F-test for multiple regression models, then individual test with T-test for each coefficient, make the decision whether we should keep or remove a predictor based on resulting table. Perform Durbin-Watson test statistic and make your decisions about the autocorrelation, explain clearly in your report.
3. Interpret the coefficients of all variables used in the model based on our given context, especially the meaning of indicator (dummy) variables and interaction term if you use any of them.
4. comment on R^2, adj R^2, Se, F-value, then explain how you arrive at your final MRM.
5. write up your project report, put everything listed above in the report based on your understanding. The report should be limited to 10 pages.
Font: Times New Roman, Size 12, Single Space.