This post has 3 other assignments:
1. Text: Scott Samuleson “The Deepest Human Life”
Paper details:
What is Descartes’ arguments for knowing that he has a soul and that it is a different kind of thing than his body. How does this knowledge of his soul also show that there is a God who is not a deceiver?What is Pascal’s prudential argument for believing in God? What are the full set of criticisms of the argument provided by Lycan and Schlesinger?Ultimately, do you think we can have “knowledge” of God’s existence, nature, or plan for the world? If you so believe, what can and cannot provide the justification for this belief? If you accept the idea that we can have some kind of knowledge about God, where does that knowledge come from? Experiences in the world? A religious or mystical experience? Some rational arguments such as Plato’s and Descartes (if so which ones),
or a prudential argument such as Pascal’s? If you reject the idea of the possibility of knowledge of God, what are your arguments for rejecting this possibility?
2. Text: Scott Samuelson ” The Deepest human Life” and Kant’s Ethics
Paper details:
Describe both versions of the Categorical Imperative. Show how Kant utilizes this principle when considering the ethics of lying. What are some of the major criticisms of Kant’s theory and how might he answer them? What is Kant’s distinction between perfect and imperfect duties? Why is according to Kant we have a duty a: to always speak truthfully (never lie); b. never to committee suicide; c. to develop my talents and potentials as I see fit; d. to promote the welfare of others by acting in a beneficent way. How does Kant attempt use the distinction between these kinds of duties to resolve potential conflicts between moral duties? How much moral guidance do you get from Kant? What benefits do you see in Kant’s moral views? What difficulties do you see and how might Kant attempt to resolve them?
3. challenges facing human resources management at this time.
Paper details:
According to Nel et al. (2011), there are two major challenges facing human
resources management at this time. Write an essay in which you address the
following issues:
1. The above authors suggest that the world of work is changing and that
this change is resulting in new employees in the 21st Century. Write an
essay to discuss the key reasons for these changes and debate the main
characteristics of employees and organisations of the future. Your
answer needs to contain reference to the different generations one will
encounter in the workplace and should provide an indication of possible
problems that may be experienced between these generation groups
2. In the constantly changing world, there are certain future directions that
are anticipated for the field of human resources management as a
profession. Write an essay where you discuss what Ulrich (1997)
regarded as the perceived future roles of HR managers in order to add
value to their organisations. Conclude your answer by briefly mentioning
which challenges may be the most crucial in the European context,
specifically where there is a discrepancy between North and South in
terms of employment.