This post has two assignments:
Explain clearly Hylas’s objection and Philonous’s response
In the Third Dialogue, Hylas objects that it follows from immaterialism that two different perceivers never perceive the same thing (Adams, p. 79, near bottom).
Explain clearly Hylas’s objection and Philonous’s response to it (the exchange continues through the top of p. 81). Is the response satisfactory? Why or why not?
The outline for this paper should be: Part A(go over the text):
1. Define immaterialism
2. Brief objection( 2 perceivers) Paragraph 1:
Hylas’ objection * what is? what is the objection, what’s the reply * He could mean X, he could mean Y ( Interpretive) Paragraph: Philonous reply: * THE DEBATE COMES FROM THE TEXT. Part B( new objection against either or): * 1Objection[ to P on behalf of H or the other way around] ( going beyond the debate somehow—“thats how P ended the debate, but how could H ended the report otherwise)— you could extend the debate draw on Dialogue 1. *
2.Reply: to Hylas on behalf of Philous or the other way around. *
3. Evaluate: who is on stronger ground?
MAKE SURE TO FURTHER THIS DEBATE IN PART B. Attached: – pages 69-71 in the dialogue from which the essay should be written.
2. Discussion
Paper details:
1. What is the CSI effect and how might criminal defense attorneys try to use it to their advantage? Do juries have the same expectations of physical evidence for all crimes from homicide to petty theft?
2. Assume the role of an average death-qualified juror for a homicide trial, and the testimony you are hearing in this case boils down to a probability estimate by a forensic serologist that a bloodstain on a suspect’s knife matches the blood of a murder victim. What number would be impressive to you? Why would this number impress you? Tip: Remember, this is a death penalty case, and somebody’s life depends upon how many decimal places you think is impressive enough.
3. Are you alarmed by efforts such as CODIS, population DNA databases, or other governmental efforts to have your genetic code on file? If so, why so; if not; why not?