XYZ Construction Co Inc.
Writing Assignment
This is a preview of the writing project for this course that is due in week 3 and the presentation in waeek 4.
It is highly recommended you do a little of the project each week.
Writing Project and Presentation
This project will require you to research and write a report on the financial position of a fictitious company, XYZ Construction Co Inc. ( ) as it is currently reported and analyze the impact of taking on a green project for this company (the specific type of green project may be anything you wish as you conduct your research). You will conduct your analysis based on commonly used accounting practices in the construction industry. You will present the highlights of your analysis for class discussion the last week.
Course objectives covered: 1,2,4, and 6
Based on your readings, use of technology, literature, and other sources do the following:
1. Review the financial statements and notes presented for XYZ Construction Co Inc and discuss their current financial position. XYZ Sample Financial Statements.pdf
2. Review the assumptions XYZ Company Project Assumptions(4).docx made by XYZ Construction Co Inc. if they take on the green project.
3. Complete the spreadsheet with the required calculations Excel Project template(4).xls Use the template provided here for the overall project Project Format Template(1).doc
4. Based on your analysis of the documents and your calculations discuss if you think XYZ should take on the green project. You want to also include in your analysis any qualitative factors beyond the quantitative calculations that were used to come to this conclusion. This may include the ability to obtain financing, staffing needs, project management/oversight, impact on other jobs, etc.
5. Present your recommendations to the class for discussion as if you were presenting this to upper management or the owner of the company to justify taking or not taking on the green project.
o The body of the paper should be 4-5 pages (not including title page, abstract, or references) typed. Embed your Excel calculations into the paper as exhibits.
o This paper requires a minimum of three references: academic journals, professional journals, and/or appropriate authoritative references from the library, not websites or blogs.
o All papers are submitted in APA format.
• You will be presenting your findings to the class the last week using voice over in PowerPoint or YouTube.
• You will use Excel to perform calculations
• You will comment on others research and answer questions from the class about your recommendations regarding the project
Week 1: Review documents and start research
Week 2: Continue with research and complete some of the calculations
Week 3: Written paper due with exhibits parts A-E
Week 4: PowePoint or other visual presentation including part F