PAPER I instructions
DUE: Tuesday, March 7-on paper-at the beginning of class
(NOTE: this date is later than the one stated in the syllabus)
Compare two printed press accounts of an event To access these PGPGFSI
that took place in l968.* ‘ Follow the instructions in the library handout
Log in via MylSU if you haven’t already)
anything except the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. ’ Scroll down the alphabetical list and click on the
Search > link to the right of the newspaper names
A.) Briefly describe an event that took place in 1968. ‘ Input your search term(s) in the empty search box
On the Search Results screen, refine your results by
Two places to find ideas for the proiect are the index to choosing:
the course textbook, Mark Kurlansky’s 7968: The Year That ° Enter a date range to input the 2-week period after
Rocked the World, and the Wikipedia article “1968.” your event took place
Document types: Article, Front page article, Editorial,
Provide basic information about where and when the and Banner are the best publication types for this
event took place and who was involved. Indicate the proiect
source of this information. You may use the Kurlansky
book, lecture notes, and/or an encyclopedia to locate this Time, a general news magazine, is available from the CML
information. via the Academic Search Complete database in
EBSCOhost. This database uses a different search method
Indicate the source of this information by using references than ProQuest.
such as these in your text:
(Kurlansky, page 107) The Indianapolis Recorder, an African American newspaper,
(HIST 113 lecture, Feb. 2, 2017) can be viewed at the following URL:
(http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_8) https://ulib.iupui.edu/collections/lRecorder
Publications available on microfilm are located on the
3- I.oc_ate 2 articles that appeared in TWO M bottom floor of the CML. See the library handout for a list.
W or m that cover the event in l 968 Also available are:
that you described in step A. These articles should have 0 U.S. News and World Report (a general news magazine)
been published within 2 weeks of the event taking place. 0 Business Week (business news)
For example, if you are writing about the men’s downhill ski race at the . Indiana Slcllesmcm (the ISU campus paper)
1968 Olympic Winter Games, which took place on Feb. 9, search for . Ind’QnC’POI’S News (Cl daily Indianapolis newspaper)
articles from Feb. 9 to Feb. 23, 1968. The machine you need to view and print pages from
microfilm is called a microfilm reader-printer and is
Print out the first page of each of the articles and submit located on the main level of the CML. Ask for assistance
these printouts with your paper. at the check-out desk of the library.
The Cunningham Memorial Library (CML) has two places to
locate articles:
1) online full-text articles via ProQuest or EBSCOhost,
2) on microfilm. Students who use microfilm will have to
work a harder to complete the assignment.
You can earn 5 extra credit points for locating an
article on microfilm.
Four newspapers are available online via ProQuest:
Baltimore Afro-American
Chicago Defender (primarily for African American audiences)
New York Times
Wall Street Journal