This assignment consists of 5 questions (5 points each) + 1 bonus question (3 points), plus three additional
questions requesting information on collaboration, and comments on the choice of topic and the format of
the discussion session. Answers should be submitted in Canvas by 11 pm on Friday, March 10.
All questions are accompanied by a description of the characteristics of strong answers. It is expected that
strong answers to these questions will contain perhaps two to five sentences amounting to about 25-100
words and will perhaps cite passages from the media article in explanation or justification. They will also
address all parts of the question and include numerical data from the articles whenever appropriate. All
questions should be answered in your own choice of words.
1. What is the role and importance of the ocean in mitigating the effect of anthropogenic emissions of
Co2? (5 points; a strong answer will describe the proportion of Co2 emissions absorbed by the ocean,
in which ocean much of the Co2 is stored, and temporal variations in ocean uptake of Co2.)
2. What factor is identified as the major control on temporal variations in the absorption of Co2 by the
ocean? (5 points; a strong answer will describe what specific characteristic of the ocean governs the
uptake of Co2 and how and why it changes over time.)
3. How did the researchers arrive at their solution of the ’carbon sink’ puzzle? What approach did they
follow, and why is an understanding of ocean circulation critical to their solution? (5 points; a strong
answer will explain how the research was conducted, the methodology employed, and its outcome.)
4. How is the scenario of Co2 absorption in the ocean likely to change as atmospheric Co2 concentrations
increase further, and how will ocean circulation patterns affect it? (5 points; a strong answer will explain
the consequences of increased atmospheric Co2 concentrations and the influence of ocean circulation
on this process.)
5. The reports discuss the potential influence of increased ice melting on the absorption of Co2. Why is
this process thought to impact the capability of the ocean to uptake Co2? (5 points; a strong answer will
describe the implications of ice melting on the characteristics of ocean waters and how it may change
Co2 uptake.)
Bonus question: How does an increase in dissolved Co2 affect the chemistry of the oceans, and what are
the implications of this change for marine organisms? (3 bonus points. A strong answer will describe the
consequence of enhanced dissolved Co2 in ocean water, describing the change that occurs and which
marine organisms are susceptible to influence.)
Collaboration: Please provide the names of students with whom you collaborated during the group
discussions of this assignment.
Discussion Session Topic: Please comment on the content of the session and whether the discussion
elucidated the topic. For example, was the topic considered in sufficient depth during the discussion
session. Were there parts of this topic that you had difficulty understanding? Were concerns or questions
you had addressed during the session? Was the nature and significance of the articles examined
addressed effectively? Please give specific details in your comments about the theme of the discussion.
Discussion Session Format: Please comment on the format of the discussion session and its effectiveness.
For example, was this discussion session beneficial to your learning? Did the format of the discussion
make for an informative class session and effective learning? Were you able to contribute to the
discussions in your group? Was there sufficient time for evaluation and discussion of the articles and did
you feel prepared to answer the questions after the session? Please give specific details in your comments
on the format of the discussion.