Winter 2017
Final Papers (30%)
Due: March 20, 2017
This is a comparative historiographical paper in which you compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the historical approaches (biographical, aesthetic, cultural, social, political, industrial, etc.) taken by Bordwell and Thompson (course textbook) with those of another film textbook listed below. You must compare the textbook Film history: An introduction by Thompson, Kristin & Bordwell, David with one of the following (on reserve at the Laurier library):
1. History and film : moving pictures and the study of the past.
By Pereboom, Maarten L.
2. Oxford history of world cinema.
By Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey.
3. Routledge companion to film history.
By Guynn, William Howard.
4. History of Narrative Film.
By Cook, David A.
5. Short history of film.
By Dixon, Wheeler W. & Foster, Gwendolyn A.
In order to conduct a focused discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the historians under study, you must do the following:
1. Focus your discussion on one film movement (except the movement that you did your presentation on).
2. Test and assess their approaches on a film of your choice that belongs to your chosen film movement.
a. This film cannot be a course film that I have assigned, but it may be a film presented by your classmates.
3. You must get the approval of your film choice from the instructor at least 7 days prior to the due date. That is, by March 13 at 11:59pm.
4. Identify the gaps of their approaches.
5. Which approach do you prefer? Why?
6. If you disagree with both, which other approach will you use? Why?
7. Additional research materials about your film, the director of your film, and/or the film movement under study, etc. to support your argument are required. (2 to 3 sources from scholarly journals, book chapters, books of least 15 pages in length).
8. After assessing the two textbooks using the criteria listed in #4 through #6 and conducting research (#7), generate your own “thesis statement” and structure your paper and focus your discussion around this overarching theme/argument.
9. Discuss at least two scenes from your film using appropriate and relevant film vocabulary.
10. Failing to do any of the above will result in a grade no higher than “C-” or “60%”
Checklist (failure to adhere to instructions will result in a grade no higher than 60%)
1. Length: 2000 to 2500 words (not including notes, bibliography and information in the title page).
2. Style: MLA or another consistent citation style; 12 point font; Times New Roman; pages numbered; title page with your name, student ID, course code and title, paper title and instructor’s name.
3. Consultation with instructor regarding your paper during office hours is encouraged and recommended.
4. Students are required to hand in their final papers to the Dropbox on MyLearningSpace prior to 11:59pm on the due date on March 20th, 2017.
5. Papers must be saved in either pdf or Word docx file and not other format. It must be named as follows: fs241-finalpapers-winter2017- last name-first name (Please note, if you uploaded the wrong paper, you will not be excused for lateness.).
6. Papers which are handed in seven days past due date will not be accepted and will result in a grade of zero.
7. Failure to submit your papers will result in a failure in the entire course.
8. Papers are deducted 5% per day including weekends.
Criteria Comments Grade
Originality: Argument
Organization: Paper Structure and Coherence (Each paragraph has a topic sentence; paragraphs flow well and advance your argument)
Research: Sources and Examples (Scholarly sources)
Style: Grammar, Clarity, Spelling, Citation style (For each mistake, 2 points will be deducted)
Comprehension: Relevance of paper to course