Task Online Scenario Analysis
Unit Learning Outcomes Addressed On completion of this task, you should be able to:
1. Describe core practice processes and critically analyse their application to real-world social work and human services contexts;
3. Critically apply and justify core processes and assessment techniques to social work and human service contexts, situations and problem-based scenarios;
4. Identify how cultural and other sources of diversity and complexity influence the choice and use of the core processes and assessment tools.
Indicative Time Limit 1 to 3 hours
Word Limit 800 to 1200 words
Weighting 10 marks, 10%
Due Date Released 6pm Friday 10th March 2017, due before 6pm Friday 24th March 2017
This assessment involves an interactive scenario that orients you to the engagement process and the helping relationship. It is an “open book exam” to test your understanding and application of core practice skills in relation to first contact with a client. This is the beginning of your helping relationship with the client and we want to see how thoughtful and respectful you can be as a practitioner.
This examination will be released at 6pm Friday 10th March 2017. You will have to submit your final paper before 6pm Friday 24th March 2017.
The following steps may help you with the planning and preparation needed for this assessment:
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation in Blackboard. Click on the link: Start Assessment; it opens in PowerPoint using Slide Show mode. You can navigate through the presentation by clicking on the ‘Next’ and ‘Back’ buttons, or other objects that look ‘clickable’. Read through the instructions and scenarios thoroughly. There are four different scenario pathways to choose from.
2. Choose one scenario only as the topic for your examination. Choose carefully, as you will be working with the same client throughout the remaining assessments. And no, I won’t let you change your mind after assessment one!!
3. Open the Word document template as you navigate through the PowerPoint presentation. This will be the file you will need to put your responses in. Once you have identified your character pathway for response, delete/remove the other scenarios.
4. Formulate some initial ideas about the scenario. This is an opportunity to reflect and prepare for client contact – something you will do in practice on a day to day basis. Some suggestions below:
a. Make some notes about the factual and objective information provided in the scenario. What do you know for certain about the client?
b. Make some notes about the subjective information provided. Is there any bias in the writing? What isn’t really known about the person? Think about the assumptions that could be made about the person and avoid making those assumptions!
c. Think about who you are as a worker. You need to take on the identity of the worker in the scenario. How would the worker relate to the person? Is there anything in particular you need to think about here?
d. Answer in your own words the sub-questions listed. Try to make your ideas relevant to the particular person and context in your chosen scenario.
5. Review your lecture notes and set readings. What is important from this information that you can apply to your case scenario?
6. Write your first draft in first person of how you will engage with the person. You can incorporate your own ideas with those of the lecture notes and readings.
7. Do you have enough information? If you want to you can read further than the required material, but this is not essential for this exam.
8. Check your spelling, expression and referencing.
9. Check your work against the marking criteria. Where would you rate yourself?
10. Submit your final paper in the provided template and submit online on Blackboard.
Remember, presentation is important. When you go out into practice, how you write and present information needs to be clear and professional if you want to be taken seriously – so stick to the points below:
Please use the template provided to prepare your response!
Use Times Roman 12 font and 1.5 line spacing. Keep to the 2.5cm all round margins in this document.
Name your Word document: SWB221TakeHomeExam_YourName_17 and please DO NOT SAVE AS A PDF. For those students who use Apple computers, please make sure that your file is Word compatible.
Take care with your referencing. You need to use APA 6th Edition referencing for this assessment and subsequent assessments.
Write in first person.
You will need to upload your response on Blackboard no later than 6pm Friday 24th March 2017. Please note there is a lot of Internet traffic close to closing time, and you would be wise to upload earlier than this time. The Blackboard site will allow you to submit after this time but your submission will automatically be marked as late, and under QUT’s late assessment policy you will receive a grade of 0%.
This assessment will be marked via Turnitin in Blackboard. Look for the link below and upload your file at the icon. Refer to the tipsheet on how to use Turnitin for assistance: https://www.student.qut.edu.au/studying/learning-with-technology/assessment/turnitin-page/turnitin
The key resources for completing this exam will be:
• Your lecture notes from weeks 1 to 3 (but please do not reference the lecture – rather use the references from the lecture if you need to)
• Your set and recommended readings for SWB221:
o Hepworth et al (2017): pp 35-45; 97-104; 117-127
Maidment & Egan (2016): Chapters 7 & 8
• Other resources from the library (optional)
• CiteWrite from QUT Library webpage for tips on using APA referencing: http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/qutcite.jsp#apa
QUT Library has a number of resources to help with your study – you can make a visit to the Library Learning and Research Desks to enquire.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students can obtain assistance by contacting the Oodgeroo Unit: www.qut.edu.au/about/oodgeroo
International Student Services have Language and Learning Advisers who offer individual appointments and free seminars and workshops on approaches to study. Phone 3138 3963 (KG)
? Have you responded to the pathway questions?
? Have you written your paper in first person?
? Have you saved the Word document and added a clear title as suggested:
SWB221TakeHomeExam_Your Name_17?
? Have you saved your document as a WORD document (please do not save as a PDF)?
? Did you consult the marking criteria?
? Have you deleted the three pathways not chosen?
? Have you referenced your paper using APA 6th edition style format?