Specific Industry or Sectoral Trade and Investment Policy: Energy Sector,
Forestry, Mining, Intellectual Capital, Environment
Each student is tasked with completing an essay assignment on a topic of your choice
that relates to the subject matter of this course—International Trade, Trade Policy
and Trade and Growth experience of countries and industries around the world. If
you are unsure of the suitability of the research topic of your essay, please have the
instructor okay your choice of topic by emailing an outline of your essay topic within
first two week of the beginning of this course. The essay assignment attempts to
achieve a couple of primary objectives.
First, it attempts to develop students writing skills which are essential in the
world of economic policy analysis and communication.
Secondly, it attempts to develop students’ critical thinking abilities, by
challenging them to analyse the full complexity of the business world today.
Thirdly, and finally, it attempts to measure the depth of students’
understanding of core topics and analytical models and theories learnt in the
Marks for the essay assignment will be awarded as followed:
? Use of Course Materials and Additional Research – 15% marks
o Students are required to support their arguments by referencing
materials from both within and outside of the course
o References should be almost entirely to high quality sources, such as
think-tanks, international institutions and organizations, government
and/or academic research papers or reports (available through the
resources of the central university library) or other sources where
liability can be determined (on-line sources where authorship is unable
to be determined and/or held accountable are not considered
reliable…but are often highly entertaining)
o Marks are associated both to the quantity and quality of references used
as well as the ways in which the materials are used (i.e. use of
quotations or other data to support arguments)
o All external materials must be clearly referenced. Failure do so could
result in a charge of academic fraud (see materials included below on
this topic)
? Arguments and Content of the Essay – 70% marks
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o Grades for this section will be assigned based-on the extent to which
the student has answered the following questions:
o Does the essay present analytics and a clear and fully articulated
position on the topic?
o Are the arguments grounded or supported by factual and/or logical
arguments and analytics?
o Have alternative perspectives or opinions been identified and
thoroughly discussed?
o Have all dimensions of the issue been identified and carefully
? Presentation – 15% marks
o Assignments must be free of spelling and grammatical errors
o Assignments should be professionally presented, ensuring that any
tables or graphics are cleanly presented and easy to read (this may
require reproducing figures, as opposed to cutting and pasting from
source documents)
o Do the arguments presented flow together and build upon each
The Essay Assignment must be submitted at the beginning of Class on Wednesday
March 22
nd, 2015. The evaluation of the essay assignment is fundamentally
subjective. Please keep the length of your paper, one and one-half
spaced in New Times Roman font 12, plus charts, graphs, footnotes, and references in
the Annex section of your paper. Please follow the APA citation format.
Topic: Trade, Energy and Environment
TD Economics (December 2016), Canada-Wide Carbon Pricing Offers Opportunities, But Is Not
Without Risks, Observation.
Jean-Frédéric Morin Mathilde Gauquelin, Trade Agreements as Vectors for the Nagoya
Protocol’s Implementation, Centre for International Governance Innovation, CIGI Paper No.
115, November 28, 2016. https://www.cigionline.org/publications/trade-agreements-vectorsnagoya-protocols-implementation
TD Economics (November 2016), What Does the Carbon Tax Mean
For The Canadian Oil Sands?, Special Report.
Tracy Snoddon (Sep 2016), Carbon Copies: The Prospects for an Economy-Wide Carbon Price
in Canada, C.D. Howe Institute, E-Brief.
Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Investment 2016 League Tables: Clean Energy and Energy
Smart Technologies. https://about.bnef.com/blog/2016-league-tables-clean-energy-energysmart-technologies/
James W. Coleman and Sarah Marie Jordaan (Aug 2016), Clearing the Air: How Canadian LNG
Exports Could Help Meet World Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals C.D. Howe Institute, E-Brief.
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David Popp (July 2016), A Blueprint for Going Green: The Best Policy Mix for Promoting LowEmissions
Technology, C.D. Howe Institute, E-Brief.
Scott Vaughan (September 2015), Trade and Sustainable Development, IRPP.
Margaret Biggs (December 2016), Inclusive Trade, Inclusive Development
Opportunities for Canadian Leadership, IRPP. https://irpp.org/wpcontent/uploads/2016/12/AOTS6-biggs.pdf
Natural Resources Canada, Canada’s Energy Policy, Government of Canada, Ottawa.
Memorandum of Understanding Among NAFTA Countries Concerning Cooperation On Energy
Information: Canada, U.S. and Mexico, Government of Canada, Ottawa, December 2014.
Natural Resources Canada, Energy Markets Fact Book: 2014–2015. Government of Canada,
Ottawa. https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/sites/www.nrcan.gc.ca/files/energy/files/pdf/2014/14-
Natural Resources Canada, Review of Issues Affecting the Price of Crude Oil, October 2010.
Government of Canada, Ottawa.