Task 1: A critical review of one of the following journal articles
Anderson-Gough, F., Grey, C. and Robson, K., 2005. “Helping them to forget..”: the organizational embedding of gender relations in public audit firms. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 30(5), pp.469-490.
Word Limit: 1,800 words excluding references.
A few points to keep in mind
Begin by summarising the article (a short paragraph).
Your critical review should cover the following points. As I highlighted in the lecture the bulk of your review should NOT be descriptive.
•What is the research problem/question
•Why is this article interesting/important
•Are the outcomes important?
–So what?
•What motivates the authors to write this article now?
[Using evidence you need to discuss whether this topic is important/whether the authors are indeed making a contribution to the literature and whether this topic is relevant in the current environment]
•What theory or theoretical framework underpins the research?
[Have the authors used theory appropriately in the paper]
•What are the key motivating literature on which the study depends? [ABS Ranking, Citation, Self-Citation?]
[Focus on at least 2-3 key papers]
•Which research method has been chosen?
–Clear justification and preference over other methods? [You should consider what alternative data gathering techniques and the advantages and disadvantages of the particular method used in the paper in relation to the research question]
•How has the sample been selected?
–Sample size, response rate [you should identify the sampling strategy used in this paper and critique relevant issues related to this.]
•How have questions of validity and reliability been addressed
[Are there issues with the validity and reliability of the research?]
•How have the results been analysed?
[What are the strengths and drawbacks in relation to the analysis of the results?]
•Are the conclusions and recommendations consistent with the findings?
–Explanations, Recommendations and Future Research Insights?
Go through a copy of the reading from Smith, M. (2007) Research Methods in Accounting, in relation to critiquing a journal article.
In addition you will also find the following reading useful
Topic Reading from the main textbook
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2009). Research Methods for Business Students
Importance of theory in research Chapter 2 (5th edition, pp:36-41) (6th edition pp.44-50)
Credibility of the research
(validity and reliability) Chapter 5 (5th edition , chapter 5 and in particular pp.156-159) (6th edition, chapter 5 and in particular pp.191-194)
Method(s) Chapter 8 provides a good discussion of secondary data and the points related to figure 8.2 (same in the 5th and 6th edition) is particularly important. There are other chapters in the book which focus specifically on various data gathering techniques such as interviews and questionnaires.
Sample selection Chapter 7 provides a short but useful discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the various sampling techniques.
It is also important to compare the paper with other relevant papers in the field.
You may find the following report by the ICAEW useful in understanding some general issues around the topic area. ICAEW, (2011). Reporting Business Risks: Managing Expectations. Available online at