1. How might Berger and Luckman engage Hill Collins and Gorski? Explain each of the thinkers’ work in your response.
2. How might Pateman engage with Arent and Haberas? Explain each of the thinkers’ work in your response.
3. Do you think Bonilla-Silva and Butler challenge a “normal science” approach to gender and race respectively? Be sure to discuss Kuhn’s work as well in your response.
4. How might Hill-Collins engage the work of Fanon and Bonilla-Silva? Explain each of the thinkers’ work in your response.
5. Spivak, Hill-Collins, and Pateman all engage the question of gender, but in quite different ways. Distinguish these authors’ forms of feminism from each other.
6. Describe how Pateman would critique Rawls and Habermas. Explain each of the thinkers’ work in your response
7. Compare and contrast Habermas’s public/private, Goffman’s front stage/back stage, and Fanon’s black skin/white mask and how they relate to their larger intellectual projects.
Page number that need to reading
Hannah Arendt: “The Public and The Private Realm” The Human Condition. pp. 22-78.
Hannah Arendt: “The Vita Activa and the Modern Age” The Human Condition. pp. 248-325.
Jurgen Habermas: “Preliminary Demarcation of a Type of Bourgeois Public Sphere” and
“Social Structures of the Public Sphere” The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. pp. 1-56
Philip Gorski: “Civil Religion in America”
Jurgen Habermas: Approaches to the Problem of Rationality” Sections 1-3.
The Theory of Communicative Action, Volume 1. pp. 1-101.
Mary Douglas: “Ritual Uncleanness” and “Secular Defilement” Purity and Danger. pp. 8-50.
Michel Foucault: Parts One and Two, The History of Sexuality. pp. 1-50.
Erving Goffman: “Introduction” and “The Arts of Impression Management” The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. pp. 1-16; 208-255
Art Garfinkel: “What is ethnomethodology?” and “Studies of the routine grounds of everyday activities” Studies in Ethnomethodology. Pp. 1-75.
Chapter five of Garfinkel’s Studies in Ethnomethodology: “Passing and the achievement of sex status in an intersexed person” pp. 116-185
Judith Butler: Gender Trouble. “Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire.” pp. 1-46.
Michael Warner: “Public and Private”; “Something Queer about the Nation State” pp. 21-63; 209-223
Judith Butler. The Pyschic Life of Power. pp. 1-30.
John Rawls: “Justice as Fairness” pp. 3-46.
Carole Pateman: The Sexual Contract. “Contracting In”; “Patriarchal Confusions”; “What’s
Wrong with Prostitution?” pp. 1-38; 189-218.
Alasdair MacIntyre: After Virtue, pp. 1-50.