Utilization of Active Cooling on Firefighters’ Physiological, Biomechanical, and Cognitive Functions in Hot Environment
Order Description
provide a 12 page literature review as the following:
1) Introduction: the risk of heat stress on firefighters during firefighting activity in hot condition: hyperthermia (>38) and related injuries (slip/falls and cognition reduction)
2) The effect of heat stress on firefighters physiological responses during firefighting activity in hot condition: industrial hyperthermia (? 38C) represented by body core temperature and fatigue represented by heart rate
3) The effect of hyperthermia (? 38C) on firefighters’ biomechanical motor control during firefighting activity in hot conditions represented static postural balance, gait and body motion
3) The effect of hyperthermia on firefighters’ cognitive function during firefighting activity in hot conditions represented by decision performance and reaction time.
4) The impact (benefit if any) of continues cooling application during firefighting activity in hot conditions on the three firefighters responses: physiological, biomechanical motor control, and cognitive function