Order Description
use this video clip as the basis for this assignment:
Alison Wells is a 38-year-old woman with severe changes in mood. Her blood pressure is 185/98. Her heart rate is 88bpm. Her Blood sugar level is 9.6 mmol/l. Cholesterol unknown. She is divorced and lives with two young daughters, 5yrs and 8yrs. Weight is 81 kg. BMI 35. Weight at last appointment 86kg.
No previous documented history of mood disorder. No other documented ongoing medical conditions.
Past medical history: Cholecystectomy in 2008, and Gastro-Oesophogeal Reflux Disorder (GORD).
Medications: Omeprazole
This assignment has 2 parts (Part A: no need references), and Part B: answer the questions base on the case study video.
Part A: information should be gathered/collected from the video (300 words). Use these headings as follow:
• Patient’s presenting problem
? Alison Wells is a 38-year-old woman… (one paragraph)
• Initial observations
? Signs & symptoms
• Vital signs:
• Preliminary investigations
? Affective / emotional signs & symptoms
• Behavioural signs & symptoms
? Speaking…
• Appearance:
• History
? Medical history
? Drug and alcohol history
? Psychiatric history
• She is
? Social circumstances
? Other considerations
? Investigations
Part B
Patient’s presentation: what did the person present with? (100 words)
Evident clinical manifestations: signs and symptoms. Please include both observed mental and physical health signs and symptoms. (300 words)
Pathophysiology of one clinical manifestation (450 words)
Alison has high blood pressure (Hypertension) that results from…
Expected pathophysiological term related to presenting problem? (100 words)
2-WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO KNOW? (1000 words)
What further information is required at this point?
What other assessments/investigations need to be performed or recommended in order to complete the clinical picture?
What aspects of the patient’s health history need further information to inform the comprehensive clinical assessment?
3-WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN? (300 words max)
Overall clinical impression: based on above, students need to describe what they consider is going on with the patient?