1. Which ethical principles are most important for the nurse executive to portray? Are these different (or in conflict) with the staff nurse?
2. Describe an ethical dilemma that has arisen in your professional practice (as a student or RN). Describe how it was resolved, and what role, if any, was played by the nurse manager/administrator.
3. Examine the incident reporting program in your present workplace or clinical setting. What are the strengths? Weaknesses? How can it be improved?
4. Evaluate the vulnerability of a health care organization (your present workplace or clinical setting) in terms of collective bargaining. Prepare a list of recommendations for decreasing the vulnerability of the organization to collective bargaining.
5. Read the Leader Story on p. 96-97 (Yoder-Wise). What legal issues did the nurse executive in the story encounter? Can you suggest some alternative strategies that may have been considered?