Preparation of written report (cover page, table of contents, executive summary, structured body) that responds to a range of questions in relation to workforce plannig and HR services based on a provided case study.
All 4 Elements and Employability Skills to be assessed
Determine strategies for delivery of human resource service
Manage the delivery of human resource services
Evaluate human resource service delivery
Manage integration of business ethics in human resource practices
Research workforce requirements
Develop workforce objectives and strategies
Implement Initiatives to support workforce planning onjectives
Monitor and evealuate workforce trends
Methods of Assessment:
Preparation of written case study report that includes practical work place examples, and samples of workplace documentation used:
You will be assessed on your demonstration of underpinning knowledge and theory and application to the case study. You may be required to research a topic prior to reponding to a question.
Description of the assessment
You will provided with a case study and will be required to respond to a set of questions related to the topics below:
Analyse the business plan and identify/assess possible changes which can impact on the workforce profile
Workforce changes
Setting Objective
Retaining Staff via staff surveys
Managing high turnover and retaining skilled staff
Communicating and gaining endorsement
Supporting agreed objectives
Using and reviewing the succession plan
Refining workforce plans and objective