Essay (1000 words) +- 10% leniency. Submit your essay through submit.ac.uk.
Answer the following question (worth 30 points):
A business’s only responsibility is to produce profits. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Research this topic and use Harvard Style referencing. You will be marked on content, analysis, argumentation, and Harvard Style Referencing. You should use examples of real companies or use quotes from real thinkers and business leaders in order to support your opinions. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the following skills: conducting research about the question, forming an opinion, supporting this opinion with examples and reasoning, presenting your arguments in the style of an academic essay, using accurate Harvard style referencing for several different types of sources, writing up an accurate bibliography.
Instructions: This is an essay which will be used as evidence in your learning log in term 3. This assignment forms part of your Learning Log, which is your final assignment for UFP Skills for Business. Please see further details about this in your Learning Log Assignment Guidelines. The Learning Log which is finally submitted in term 3 makes up 100% of your grade for Skills for Business of which this essay forms 15% of the mark.
Mark scheme for content (out of 20 points):
Level Descriptors Marks Assessment Objectives
4 An opinion is given, backed with reasoning and justification. 16-20 A04
3 An opinion with examples is given. The benefits and costs of CSR are considered. Top marks go to students who provide examples. 12-15 A03
2 Explains elements of CSR and some idea of costs and benefits to a company. 6-11 A02
1 Shows basic understanding of CSR 1-5 A01
PLUS mark scheme for Harvard Style Referencing (out of 10 points). This essay is worth 30 points.
Level Descriptors Marks Assessment Objectives
4 Accurate Harvard style referencing, using at least 4 references and a bibliography of at least 2 sources at the end. 7-10 A04
3 Partially accurate Harvard style referencing, using at least 3 references and a bibliography of at least 2 sources at the end. 5-6 A03
2 Mistakes, using only 2 or so references 3-4 A02
1 Lack of referencing or many mistakes 1-2 A01
Extra guidelines for students. In your essay, you should:
• Define the key business vocabulary that you use,
• Choose a clear opinion and actually answer the question.
• Use examples are used to support your opinion.
• Use and reference at least 15 different sources.
Please note, the essay should be up to 1000 words. If the essay is shorter than 900 words or longer than 1100 words, your grade will be reduced by 10%.