Order Description
We have collected 400 survey, to find out the key factors that influence the choice of restaurant which are: impact of economic, impact of culture/ambience, impact of marketing, impact of health& quality, and the impact of preparation.
1- there are two files the first one is Structure Guideline and the another file which is more comprehensive, it is 1- report structure, and there are some examples.
2- the survey question + beside each one, there is a percentage which represent the result of the survey. For example, question 3in the survey is that Most of the time you eat at restaurant or buy from a restaurant??(multiple response possible), 24.25% of 400 people have chosen Monday and 24% of them have chosen Tuesday … etc. However, most people which 66% of them eat or buy from restaurant on Saturday.
3- coded file, you can see in this file the code of each answer.
4- in the last file is all answers of the survey (400 people) , you go back to this file to see our work.
5- slides for better understanding those files that we were given to understand the course (two files)