Paper details:
mock study in three part: 1. 700 word with intro describing general differences between Quantitative and qualitative research. Describe the characteristics of a descriptive, exoerunebtak, quasi-experimental, correlational and multiple regression designs References needed). Usinging homeless females are area of interest add a sentence or two to the following: 1. General topic area 2. Specific Topic 3. General problem (is mental health or trauma a cause) 4. SPecific Problem 5 Purpose of the study- examine the cause of increase homelessness of female veterans. 6. Research Question that can be addressed in the mock study Summary. Listed below is my recommended 7-step process to construct an operational model: 1. Identify all your variables (independent variables, dependent variables, moderating or mediating variables, etc.). 2. Identify the data source of each variable (e.g. where is the data coming from?). 3. Identify the type of date / level of measurement (e.g. nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio). 4. Construct a figure that shows how the variables will operate for the test (this is your operational model, which is an illustration of theories synthesized for how the selected variables are expected to perform—remember, you must have scholarly peer-reviewed literature to support why each variable belongs in your operational model. It is recommended to sketch it out on paper first and then, once it makes sense, transfer to PowerPoint to format and revise as needed – see PowerPoint example. 5. Include arrows/lines to represent each hypothesis and label accordingly (e.g. H1, H2, etc.). Position the arrows/lines to show the logical flow of variable relationship. 6. Review the illustration to ensure it has logical operation / flow (e.g. it must align with the research questions and hypothesis and have a theoretical basis. 7. Post your operational model in PowerPoint in this learning thread and I will provide you with early feedback. Please also include your research questions and hypothesis statements to clarify the data-analysis intent and overall alignment. Here is an example from the literature that may help: Migliore, L.A. and Chinta, R. (2016). Mobile technology and the Employee-Customer-Profit Chain. SAM Advanced Management Journal, Winter 2016, 81(1). The research questions and hypotheses are shown on Pages 54-56, along with an illustration of the operational model and explanations of hypotheses development, research methodology, and data collection of sample. The Migliore & Chinta (2016) example may help increase your understanding of the process to align research design, measurement, and analysis.