Broadcast Management & Programming.Syllabus – Summer 1 2017
Internet Searches and Summaries:
At various times throughout the semester you will be asked to do an “Internet search and summary” essay. This assignment involves researching and summarizing five articles in a three to five page essay. For example, if the subject were “How violence on TV affects children,” you would find articles on this topic and summarize the major points of each reading. You do not have to attach articles to your essay. You will bring this document to class on the due date and refer to it during class discussions. KEEP THESE DOCUMENTS IN YOUR NOTEBOOK FOR USE THROUGHOUT THE SEMESTER. THEY WILL BE PLACED IN A BOX OUTSIDE INSTRUCTOR’S OFFICE BEFORE 3 p.m. on JUNE 22. For a sample of an Internet assignment go to course material and read, “Internet Assignment Example” on BB. The Internet topics for this semester include: Talk Shows, Sitcoms, and Tabloid.