Using your responses to the post-reading questions, compose a three paragraph essay (intro + 2 body, no conclusion) based on one of them. You can discuss the theme, tone, author’s viewpoint, personification of nature, or suggest how the author might feel about modern day environmental concerns based on the author’s views in the text.
A couple important criteria to remember:
1. You need a defendable, clear thesis statement. Below is an example.
a. Ex. Thesis: The tone of the text could be considered reverent in its descriptions of the trees and wind.
2. Your thesis should clearly state two main points, each one corresponding to a body paragraph.
3. You need to use the text to inform your response. You should point to (or quote) specific passages from the text to support your idea.
4. You should use Times New Roman, Font Size 12, and have a heading (Name, Date, Class, Teacher) and title to your essay.
Grading Rubric:
1. Introduction/Thesis /15 Points
a. Thesis is clear and arguable.
b. Introduction builds from general to specific thesis statement.
c. Introduction hooks the reader.
d. Title is creative.
2. Development and Organization /20 Points
a. Essay is well developed.
b. Includes relevant details.
c. Develops each paragraph (or point) clearly.
d. Each body paragraph has a clear topic sentence.
3. Textual Reference /10 Points
a. Writer directly refers to the text to support ideas.
b. Textual knowledge is evident.
4. Mechanics /5 Points
a. Grammar and sentence structure is fluid.
b. Few errors with formatting (indenting, punctuation, etc.)
Total: ______/50
Unit 1 Project – Post Reading Questions
Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences before beginning your essay. It may benefit you to look at the essay directions before completing this in order to generate effective answers to each question. Essentially, each question response should generate a potential thesis for your essay.
1. What is the author’s viewpoint or perspective?
2. What is the tone of the text?
3. What is the theme of the text?
4. How and why does the author personify nature?
5. How would the author feel about modern-day concerns for the environment?