Case study critique of 2,000 words on smoking cessation- This does not include words that make up the reference list, the citations within the case study
document and any tables-
1- Consider the different categories of tobacco use- Specifically, what does the term smokeless tobacco include? (250 words)
2- Within the context of globalisation, what has been the international response to the proliferation of smokeless tobacco? (250 words)
3- Countries have implemented different interventions to address cigarette smoking- Critically evaluate the relevance of one of these to interventions for
reducing smokeless tobacco consumption- Focus your discussion on a country of your choice- (1,000 words)
4- Conduct a google search for the marketing of e-cigarettes- How does the promotion of e-cigarettes compare to the marketing of a health promotion
initiative for smoking cessation? (500 words)
General comments
Some knowledge was demonstrated in questions 1 and 2 but it is unfortunate that questions 3 and 4 have not been answered in full-
It is important to use robust references whenever possible, preferably research papers or websites operated by reputable organisations (e-g- WHO, NHS,
CDC etc-) that have been published during the last 10 years- This ensures a strong evidence base to support the discussion- Books can be used but
sometimes their content is no longer relevant-
The majority of the references had not been cited in the text and a number of these had been incorrectly written- Please refer to the guidelines-
Feedback from “Case Study – Promoting Health”- Please see feedback from marker below:
Question 1
This answer demonstrates knowledge of the different forms of smoked and smokeless tobacco- There are numerous robust up to date references that can
be used to justify the discussion- A number of the ones used here were quite old-
Question 2
Some information about what is happening globally was included in the answer. A few more examsz of how other countries are trying to reduce smokeless
tobacco use would enhance the answer-
Question 3
This question has not been correctly answered- It asks for a critical evaluation of one intervention used for smoked tobacco that can also be used to reduce
smokeless tobacco use- Which particular intervention is being discussed as several were mentioned? There was little critical evaluation and the same
reference from 1992 was used several times- There was no discussion of how any of the interventions link to health promotion theory-
Question 4
This question has not been answered correctly. Although e-cigarettes were discussed the question asked for a comparison to be made between how
e-cigarettes are marketed and how a smoking cessation health promotion initiative is marketed- How do websites advertising e-cigarettes appear? What are
the messages they want to advertise and how do these compare with the messages circulated by smoking cessation campaigns or nicotine replacement
therapy websites? How do these messages relate to health promotion theory?