PSYC 1000 Paper 2. Spring 2017 Semester
Book: Psychology from Inquiry to Understanding, (3rd Edition) Lilienfeld, Lynn, Namy, and Woolf, 2011
Chapter 4
Have you ever noticed how the same experience can be different in different situations? Perceptions can be influenced by our environment and/or expectations. Briefly describe a situation in which you believe that your perception was altered by either your environment or expectations. What sensory mode was changed and in what way? How would your perceptions of this same experience in another setting be different? Cite one of the sensation or perceptual concepts discussed in the textbook in chapter 4 that is likely an explanation for your experience. For these concepts be sure to choose selective attention, sensory adaptation, the signal detection theory, inattentional blindness, or the cocktail party effect, and NOT anything along the lines of the actual, physiological basis of sensation and perception (e.g., cones and rods, the concept of perception or sensation itself, transduction, etc.).
Formatting instructions
Turn in your paper through the Canvas website for your intro Psychology course
Papers will be checked for plagiarism
0 – 1.5 page in length
Text must be double spaced
Typed in 12 point “Times New Roman” font
APA format of your textbook in the text of the paper
APA format reference section of book
Additional Information and Hints For Your Paper
Be creative with your example; don’t just adapt one presented in the book.
You receive credit in the grading rubric for following simple formatting instructions, and for writing clearly and correctly. These are all good professional skills!
For your personal experience, do more than tell your story: Show explicitly how you are applying the information to your own experience.
Look over the grading rubric to see how your paper will be evaluated before you write.
Use correct APA format to reference your textbook when describing the sensory concept. Since this writing assignment is not a full research report, it does not require all aspects of an APA formatted paper, such as a title page, abstract, table of contents, introduction, materials and methods, results or discussion sections.
What it will require is correct font, font size, spacing of text, correct margins, in text citation of your textbook and an APA formatted reference section including the text.
Writing Assignment #2 Rubric (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Formatting: Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-1½ page maximum (penalized if longer), Proper APA formatting with in-text citation and APA Reference list.
The paper is formatted correctly in APA format with a maximum of 1 error.
4.0 pts
Good formatting with 2 – 3 errors, e.g., single-spaced text, incorrect font size or APA citations.
2.0 pts
More than 3 errors with formatting, including APA format issues.
0.0 pts
4.0 pts
Skills: Thorough; Detailed; Clear; Creative; Specific; Appreciates complexity; All questions addressed.
Appropriate, accurate application of concepts; creative (not adapting an existing example); effortful, critical thinking.
12.0 pts
Good but the application is not entirely appropriate or accurate; overly simplistic in some way; some effort at critical thinking.
10.5 pts
Very little effort or many issues with the application; very unclear or vague; the description of the selected concept is incorrect or is not defined.
5.0 pts
12.0 pts
Writing Precision, Quality and Clarity: English Composition.
Clearly and precisely written; virtually free of mistakes; addresses all parts of the prompt.4.0 pts
Some problems with clarity or precision (e.g., passive nouns, vague pronouns); only a few parts of the prompt are addressed.2.0 pts
Multiple problems with clarity or precision that obfuscate communication.
1.0 pts 4.0 pts
Total Points: 20.0