Using Aaron H. Devor’s “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meaning of Gender” from Rereading America as your analytical lens, write a detailed, analysis of a print or commercial advertisement (or any other visual argument) in which you break down how the ad constructs gender.
Consider briefly explaining what the advertisement is selling and to whom (as if the reader did not have the advertisement in front of him or her) in your introduction. Your thesis should answer the primary question: how does this ad construct gender? Support your thesis by identifying and analyzing the cultural assumptions and stereotypes about gender that the ad relies on. In your conclusion, you might consider how effective the ad is in reaching its intended audience and how the construction of gender enhances or detracts from its effectiveness.
Use the key concepts in Devor’s “Becoming Members of Society…” as your lens
Banned cliché phrase: “Sex sells”–do not use this phrase in your analysis, PLEASE!
A thesis and a series of claims should provide a logical structure and focus for your paper
Claims should be fully supported by ideas and language from both texts. You may also include other research and examples to support your claims. Each paragraph should carefully explain and interpret this supporting material and its relationship to the claim.
Quotes and paraphrases from both texts should be carefully set up, smoothly integrated, fully interpreted and explained, and properly documented in your paper; this use of sources documentation should include a correctly formatted Works Cited page.
Follow MLA formatting guidelines
You will need to consider both the images and the wording in detail. Look for both obvious and surprising evidence to support your claims. Note: You might start thinking about this assignment by reflecting on your own response to the advertisement. What attracted you to this specific advertisement? Why did you choose it over the others? Do you think that other people would respond in the same way? How do the images and the words in the advertisement work together (or against each other) to make certain promises?
Introduction: Explains what the advertisement is selling and to whom (as if the reader did not have the advertisement in front of him or her.)
Thesis: Answers the question: how does this ad construct gender?
Evidence: Uses ample textual evidence to support claims and assertions that identify and analyze cultural assumptions the ad relies on. Uses at least 1 key text from this unit in RA as the analytical lens.
Analysis: Your analysis clearly explains the “how” and “why” your evidence supports your point and breaks down each element of the you’re focusing on in detail, making clear connections for your reader.
Organization/stylistic conventions: includes topic sentences and paragraphs that are cohesive, fully developed, unified and focused. All quotations and paraphrases are introduced, integrated, and explained. All plagiarism has been removed from final draft.
Carefully proofread and edited for grammatical errors as well as typos.
Paper/Works Cited page follows MLA format. Meets the page requirement.
for the quote, please use from rereading America