Question 3
Community attitudes and structures of culture, language and workplace policies influence people and groups and will all have an impact on community services work. Briefly explain the impact of each of these things. If necessary conduct independent research. (200 words)
Question 4
Explain how diverse political, social, economic and cultural factors impact on work and the lives of people in society. (350 words)
Question 5
Conduct independent research to determine the legal and ethical factors (international, national, state, territory and local) that need to be considered regarding to discrimination, human rights and rights and responsibilities of workers, employers and clients. When researching, consider the relationship between human needs and human rights and the frameworks, approaches and instruments used in the workplace.
Explain the impact of these factors on individual workers and explain the likely consequences of:
breaches of discrimination legislation
infringement of human rights including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
not supporting client, worker and employer rights and responsibilities in the workplace (400 words)
Question 7
Australia’s first people are the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Often, due to the cultural divide, and sometimes to the ability of services to reach remote people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are not able to make good use of community service offerings.
To provide appropriate services it is necessary for organisations and their staff to be aware of:
the historical issues and conditions that have shaped relationships with mainstream Australia
the current social, political and economic issues affecting Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
the way in which Western or mainstream systems and structures can be perceived by and can impact on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their engagement with services
Conduct independent research and write at least 500 words to provide a brief explanation of historical issues, current issues and the way in which many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people engage with community services.
Explain how diversity practices and experiences impact on personal behaviour, interpersonal relationships, perceptions and the social expectations of others in the workplace. (200 words)
No set number of sources/ references.