Biology 1
Article Assignment 1
Asteroids and dinosaurs: Unexpected twists and an unfinished story
In a paragraph summarize the article (Double-spaced)
Your paragraph should:
• Summarize the article in a clear, organized and understandable way.
• Reports the main idea with supporting explanations.
• Demonstrates clear understanding of information in the text
Answer all questions in complete sentences . (Double-spaced)
1. While investigating evidence for plate tectonics what observation did Alveraz make to inspire questions about the KT extinction?
2. What hypotheses (2) about the iridium in the clay layer representing the KT transition did Alveraz make?
3. What did the analysis of the iridium concentration in the clay layer show?
4. What was the next hypothesis to be proposed following the findings of the iridium concentration in the clay layer and why was this hypothesis rejected?
5. Why is the investigation of the KT extinction on going?
Connection to Class:
In a paragraph describe how this article is related to what you have learned in lecture and/or lab. Your paragraph should answer: How is the article related to material from lecture and/or lab?, How does the article reinforce and expand material from lecture and/or lab? How did the article help you understand material from lecture and/or lab? Uses supporting evidence, examples, and/or facts to make connection. (Double-spaced)