Trey is a 3-1 year-old boy who is in your classroom at the start of September. His brother Thomas was in your class the year before- He has another older
sibling Taron who was not in your class- After the first day you realize that Trey sucks his thumb and his language is inaudible, as well as he screams when it
appears that he cannot have what he wants, during transitions and when getting water on his clothing- You begin to take anecdotal notes and document
specifics about his behavior. You have previous knowledge that his brother, Thomas displayed similar behaviors like screams whenever he would get wet or
transitioned- He also struggled with speech and language with nonsensical sentences, repetitiveness and inaudible spoken words at times- Even though you
directly addressed your observations and recommendations for assessment of Thomas, with the parents in two parent conferences the year before, no
assessment was ever done on him and he is now thriving in Kindergarten (say the parents)- His older brother, Taron, is also thriving in school- You also have
some knowledge through a conversation with the Father that Taron displays phonic tics as well as physical tics- The father shares that the grandfather on the
mother’s side, has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)- You have a good professional relationship with the parents and the grandparents-
Provide you first impressions of what may be occurring in this scenario-
What are your next steps?
Are there any tools of assessment you can utilize to support you is gaining a better understanding of Trey and his behaviors?
What theorists/theories might apply to this case?
Define visuospatial sketch pad- Galotti p- 51-