Ellen Zane – Leading Change at Tufts New England Medical Center (NEMC)
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Case Study: Ellen Zane – Leading Change at Tufts New England Medical Center (NEMC)
• Compose a response paper
• Distinguish your opinion from fact f it is your opinion
• Help the reader understand how you reach that conclusion
• There should be some facts to support your conclusion.
• Ensure that you have responded to all parts of the question.
APA double-spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, Include running head at the top of every page with numbers flush right.
Place yourself in the position of Ellen Zane, with all the challenges, opportunities, stress and excitement that comes along with strategic healthcare management.
1. Formulate a directional strategy (mission, vision, values and goals) for Tufts-NEMC. What characteristics did you choose to emphasize in each area and why?
2. Perform an analysis of the external environment that pushed Tufts/NEMC into the failed merger with Lifespan. Your analysis should be an identification and description of the external factors
and/or events that led up to the failed merger.
3. Perform an analysis of the internal environment following the failed merger with Lifespan. Your analysis should be an identification and description of the internal factors and/or events that
led up to the failed merger.
4. It is 4:30 AM and you are Ellen Zane. Based on the information presented in the case study and taking into consideration the healthcare environment in Massachusetts at this time, perform an
internal and an external SWOT analysis on Tufts-NEMC.
list your SWOT analysis in
Strengths (Internal, Positive)
Weaknesses (Internal, Negative)
Opportunities (External, Positive)
Threats (External, Negative)
1 internet source