Many existing managers do not know what technology management is and will likely ask the new MBA from NC State what technology management is all about. You should have a comprehensive view of the subject and know how to relay that knowledge to other people.
Your team should design a technology management course. Assume you are teaching the course this fall to the next class of students. Knowing what you know now how would you design the course? You should include: Readings, lecture topics (you don’t have to develop the lecture materials), visitors, assignments, exams, quizzes, discussion topics and techniques. Also include class policies such as learning assessments, attendance, etc. There is no limit to what you can add to the course.
The course should be comprehensive. It should include all the necessary parts of how to manage technology. It is not expected that you must use all the topics in this semester’s course. You may add or subtract topics.
Your project should take the form of a syllabus for a Management of Technology course. It should include all the policies of this course – but you can change the policies. You may use other courses from other universities. You should take into account the unique nature of NC State and the RTP area.
include any necessary explanatory notes for your reasoning about topics, assignments, policies and other parts of the syllabus that are not obvious. These do not need to be long.
Unless a team wants something different, I will distribute all team answers to the final exam to the other team members.