Assessment details to include:
The module assessment is 100% coursework. The coursework comprises 70% individual
report and 30% group presentation. You must pass both assignments to pass the module.
Individual Coursework details
Prepare a report evaluating how organisations introduce new products or services using
social networking platforms. Illustrate your discussions with at least two product examples
from two different companies (four in total)
This report will provide the basis for Assignment 2 – Group work. As a basis for this you
should consider a video that could form the basis of a viral campaign for one of the
organisations you are discussing.
The module learning outcomes assessed for this assignment are:
1. The trends of social networks, challenges and applications in business
2. The impact of social networks sites such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram,
LinkedIn, Pinterest and others for business
3. The use of the social networking opportunities for the future business growth and
Below are the following: a) details of the task you are asked to complete, and b) guidance on
what you
are asked to submit.
• You are required first and foremost to understand the nature of the business you have
• The selected businesses can either be based on your current workplace, past or your
future career or an area you have a particular interest in
• Identify the current social activities of the organisations (this can be done by visiting social
profiles and pages or by using social networking tools such as e.g. Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube Instagram. etc.
• Present products or services which your selected companies have introduced into the
market place using social networks such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram,
LinkedIn, Pinterest and others and analyse the effectiveness of their practices.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the practices of the organisations. This should lead you to
create an overall summary of the best practices that organisations can use to introduce new
products and services into the market place.
You are required to submit a written report of 1500 words (+/- 10% – not including
reference list). You are encouraged to refer to the document “CASE Guide to Report
Writing”, published by the Centre for Academic Skills Enhancement to support you in
preparing your report. You might use the headings shown in this briefing or you may use
your own headings; what is important is that you clearly cover all areas outlined below in a
way that can be marked. You can be as creative as you like in using tables, visuals, graphs and
charts to present your data and analysis.
The report should include the following sections:
n.b. following a brief is an essential employability skill in this sector so you should consider
the following carefully.
SECTION 1 – Title page: This should include the following: your ID, course details, Module
Title, Module Code, The Module leader’s name, deadline date and word count
CONTENTS PAGE: your report should contain page numbers and you should include these
in a clear contents page. The structure of the report needs to look professional (10 marks).
Introduction – Provide a brief paragraph outlining what your assignment will cover and your
rationale for covering these organisations and products (n.b. as normal, the report should be
written in the third person).
SECTION 2 – Main Findings, Analysis and Conclusions
Research & analysis: Your research and analysis on the two selected organisations will help
you to illustrate key activities used and managed by these organisations. These activities will
focus on social network use including promotional materials, customer support and
engagement, and updates on new products and services. Evaluative comments on the specific
approaches that companies are using on social networking sites to start conversations,
engage and then build personal connections with users are essential.
(30 marks available).
Evaluation and Conclusions: These must be clear and well-defined summaries that are
supported with discussions and justifications on effective approaches that companies have
used to promote products and services
Overall summaries and conclusions of the best practices that organisations can use to
introduce new products and services into the market place based on the findings and
analysis. (40 marks available).
Reference Sources
You are expected to use credible and up to date reference sources about Social Networking
throughout Section 2 to provide evidence for your discussion in terms of practical examples
of good (and possibly poor) practices and provide a theoretical underpinning for your
analysis and evaluation. You should aim for a minimum of ten credible academic reference
sources but we would expect more. (15 marks available)
SECTION 3 – References and bibliography – You must reference all sources using the CASE
Harvard Referencing Guide. (5 marks available).
No appendices required.
Submission Requirements
• You will be required to submit a copy of your full assignment to the correct assignment
tab on the Module StudyNet site. You must submit this as a PDF file only! You must name
your document as follows: student ID + ASG 1. E.g. 09123456_ASG1.pdf
• Failure to follow the above instructions will result in a penalty of up to 5% from your
• Standard Business School penalties for late submissions will apply. I.e. a 10% deduction per
day late with a maximum of 40% if submitted within one week of the deadline. Submissions
over seven days late will not be marked.
• If you exceed the word count then you may be penalized. Only the first 1650 words will be
read and marked
If you require an extension to this assignment deadline, you must apply to the Module
Hajrë, via email at least one week before the assignment is due to submission. You must
provide a valid reason for requesting an extension and be prepared to submit evidence if
required to support your request. You should not assume that you have been granted an
extension unless you receive an email confirming that this is the case and advising you of a
revised submission date. If you have been granted an extension then you must note this
(giving the date and time of the email from Hajre) in your coursework submission on
Studynet (otherwise we won’t know it because of anonymous marking). All the penalties
listed above are still applicable to any revised submission date.