Literary Paper
You are to write a paper on a literary topic related to Ernest Hemingway “A Farewell to Arms.” You may choose to address standard fiction elements such as theme, characterization, symbolism, allegory, irony, realism, the author’s use of settings. History papers and biographical papers are not acceptable for this assignment.
You are to follow MLA format and documentation as described in your handbook.
Use direct quotations sparingly (no more than 25% of the paper).
Cite at least eight (8) sources in your paper, at least two (2) of which are not books.
Be sure topic is sufficiently limited.
All words should be spelled correctly and errors in sentence structure eliminated.
The level of diction should be formal (no slang, contractions, jargon, or technical terms without definition).
The paper should be well written and scholarly.
All borrowed information must be noted whether quoted or not.