1. Approximate chiller cooling capacity, supply air volume, and space sizes for a plant and fan
rooms that would be required for 100,000 ft2 building for the following two different building
types. Provide your calculations.
1-1. Laboratory building (2 points)
Chiller cooling capacity = tons
= sq.ft. of building floor area/tons
Cooling supply air = cfm
= cfm/sq.ft. of building floor area
Total space for plant = ft2
= % of total building floor area
Total space for fan rooms = ft2
= % of total building floor area
1-2. Office building (2 points)
Chiller cooling capacity = tons
= sq.ft. of building floor area/tons
Cooling supply air = cfm
= cfm/sq.ft. of building floor area
Total space for plant = ft2
= % of total building floor area
Total space for fan rooms = ft2
= % of total building floor area
1-3. Discuss your results of 1-1 and 1-2 (2 points).
1-4. Discuss what logic you would use to locate the room in your schematic design (2 points).
1-5. Find an energy-efficient chiller for the office building based on your cooling capacity
calculations from 1-2. You will need to look at the major manufacturers: Trane, Carrier, York and
McQuay. What is the model and efficiency (i.e., kW/ton)? What key design strategies did the
manufacturer use to achieve the low kW/ton? (2 points).