Each student is required to prepare a minimum 6-8-page research paper on Managing Use of Force in Criminal Justice Organizations. Start your research NOW. Start writing NOW ? today. Do you know how to construct a paper? Introduction, body, conclusion? Solid empirical support for your various assertions and statements? Peer-reviewed references?
This paper is due to the instructor via DROPBOX by Friday at 11 pm of the ninth week of class. The paper must follow the format guidelines found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. Remember, 6 pages is the minimum. 6-8 pages in length refers to the content narrative; it does not include title page, abstract, references, appendices, etc. Font must be Times New Roman 12 pt. All margins 1?; 0 point setting before and after paragraphs. The paper must be in WORD format, no exceptions.