Assignment Instructions
This assessment requires you to write a 2000 word +/- 10% report, written in the first person, which focuses on four of your learning objectives from your last clinical practicum.
You should critically review your learning objectives and how this experience has impacted on your professional role development.
Introduction: Give an overview of the assignment and state your learning objectives (4 required from your last prac)
Opportunities: What opportunities did this practicum give you to meet your learning needs, and what opportunities were missed and why?
Outcomes: How have you developed as a nurse as a result of this placement?
Future development: Based on your learning objectives what would you develop further, as you move into your graduate year?
How has this practicum broadened your knowledge base in relation to:-
Teamwork: Teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration in the provision of quality nursing care
Management: The strategies which enhance the organisation of the clinical workload.
You should support your report with a minimum of 8 peer reviewed journal articles, no older than 5 years. You may wish to use the areas which need to be explored as headings within your report.