The first step to completing this online experiment is to define the problem. In this case the question asked is: “Is there a single factor that affects the chirping rate in crickets?” This is where the hypothesis came in:
State your hypothesis:
I think the wind speed and the temperature reason will effect the cricket’s chirp rate.
The second step is to complete your data tables. This will help keep any information taken throughout theexperiment organized.
Date Time Chirping
3/21 6am slow
6/21 2pm Fast
9/21 8pm Medium
The first table indicates the three events in which the same cricket was encountered.
Wind Speed
(m/sec) Chirp Rate
2m/sec 148chirps/min
3m/sec 148chirps/min
7m/sec 148chirps/min
This second table represents the effect wind speed has on the chirping rate of the cricket.
What are your conclusions?
In this table show me the wind speed can not effect the chirp rate.
Nearby Crickets Chirp Rate
5 148chirps/min
15 148chirps/min
20 148chirps/min
The third table indicates what?
The third table means when the cricket close together also can not change the chirp rate.
(mmHg) Chirp Rate
760mmHg 148chirps/min
681mmHg 148chirps/min
700mmHg 148chirps/min
The fourth table indicates what?
The fourth table indicate the pressure can not change the chirp rate.
(%) Chirp Rate
15% 148chirps/min
35% 148chirps/min
63% 148chirps/min
The fifth table indicates what?
This table indicate the humidity can not change the chirp rate.
(c) Chirp Rate
25c 148chirps/min
20c 112chirps/min
44c 285chirps/min
Finally, the last table shows our independent variable___temperature_______ in fact, is the cause of the variation of the crickets chirping.
The third step in completing this online experiment, is to state your conclusion.
According to the experimental results, only the temperature effect the chirp rate. When the temperature go up the cricket’s chirp rate go up,when the temperature go down the cricket’s chirp rate also go down.