Geomorphology Lab 2
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3 Due date: This exercise is due at the beginning of next lab.
Total points: 50 pts.
Objective: Develop a more comprehensive and hands-on understanding of radiocarbon dating.
Specific goals:
1. Understand half-life and radiocarbon dating.
2. Know the difference between radiocarbon ages and calibrated ages.
3. Learn how to build sedimentation models in Microsoft Excel and make meaningful
geomorphic interpretations.
Requirements: Computer, Microsoft Excel, hand-held or online calculator, printer.
I Deliverable(s): Devise a brief lab report that includes the following: Lab 1 title, your name, date,
class, semester, lab objective, data matrix, scatterplot, and answered questions.
1. Introduction
Enter text here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Enter Problem statement/research objective here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Hypothesis 1
Hypothesis 2
2. Methods
Enter text here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3. Results
Enter text here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Insert graph/plots
1 ‘ I I
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
I Series 1 I Series 2 l Series 3
MaterialDated Age SampleID Depth AgeType ErrorOlder GeochronType Delta13C LabNumber ErrorYounger Notes Infinite Thickness med._prob.
charcoal flakes 460 110748 1432 Radiocarbon years BP 60 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-6821 60 FALSE 4 504
charcoal flakes 830 110749 1515.8 Radiocarbon years BP 60 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-14337 60 FALSE 4.3 753
charcoal flakes 1080 110750 1564.5 Radiocarbon years BP 50 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-14338 50 FALSE 4.1 996
charcoal flakes 2300 110751 1666.4 Radiocarbon years BP 60 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-6822 60 FALSE 5.2 2314
charcoal flakes 4590 110752 1793.5 Radiocarbon years BP 60 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-15294 60 FALSE 8.2 5296
charcoal flakes 5420 110753 1886 Radiocarbon years BP 60 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-6823 60 FALSE 4 6222
Ambrosia seed 5410 110754 1888 Radiocarbon years BP 70 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-6824 70 FALSE 0.5 6206
charcoal flakes 6310 110755 1986.7 Radiocarbon years BP 70 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-15295 70 FALSE 8.3 7238
charcoal flakes 6610 110756 2157.4 Radiocarbon years BP 90 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-6825 90 FALSE 8.8 7503
charcoal flakes 7300 110757 2224.5 Radiocarbon years BP 80 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-9156 80 FALSE 8.9 8113
charcoal flakes 9530 110758 2308.4 Radiocarbon years BP 130 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-6826 130 FALSE 4.5 10863
Picea needle 10780 110759 2356.5 Radiocarbon years BP 100 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-6827 100 FALSE 5 12696
woody twig 11770 110760 2418 Radiocarbon years BP 80 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-6828 80 FALSE 4 13601
woody twigs 11830 110761 2442.5 Radiocarbon years BP 80 Carbon-14 -25 CAMS-6829 80 FALSE 5 13651