Paper details:
This essay will have to answer the application of the personality theories workbook by donna ash craft . Question 1.3.4. AND the Question which will message later.
Comments from Support Team: And the case question in book is Case Study #8 (TOSHIMI)
“The Other question that have to answer. ”
Although Adler’s theory may be less interesting than Freud’s, with its sexuality, or Jung’s, with its mythology, it has probably struck you as the most common-sensical of the three. Students generally like Adler and his theory.
Criticisms of Adler tend to involve the issue of whether or not, or to what degree, his theory is scientific. Many of the details of his theory are too anecdotal, that is, are true in particular cases, but don’t necessarily have the generality Adler seems to claim for them. A first child (even broadly defined) doesn’t necessarily feel dethroned, nor a second child necessarily feel competitive, for example.
That said, an important component of Adlerís personality theory is that of inferiority. Do you believe that a major motivation for all people is to overcome some physical and/or psychological inferiority? Why or Why not?