What is primary data?
Data used in research originally obtained through the direct efforts of the researcher through surveys, interviews and direct observation. Primary data is more costly/difficult to obtain than secondary data, which is obtained through published sources, but it is also more current and more relevant to the investigation.
What kind/s of primary data would work for my investigation?
Phone call/email
Original sources?
What do I want to find out? What would be the purpose of my survey or interview?
Survey – question types, how to interpret data (quantitative or qualitative?); survey group; sample size
Interview – expert or just someone with knowledge and/or opinions on topic? Face to face; phone
• Draft any survey or interview questions beforehand
How to include primary data in my report
• Copy of questions can be included as an appendix (not part of word count)
• Recording can be submitted as a sound file (evidence that it took place)
• Data should be interpreted, analysed, evaluated throughout body of report in relevant sources
• Should be listed in Bibliography/Reference list at end of report
Any Primary data you are intending to use in your investigation should be collected by.
Drafts of survey or interview questions should have been checked before