This is a two part assignment. The first part is to answer the two questions listed below and second part is to review four peers paper and follow the response
guidelines. Please answer and label the questions accordingly. This is a critical thinking, graduate level essay.
Part I:
These are two separate questions therefore please do not combine the two questions together. For example: Q1, Q2, with in-text citation from course reading material
listed below as references.
1. Two additional references are required.
2. In-text citation on every paragraph.
3. Please label all subheading.
4. APA formatting and style.
My professor reviews my paper and will provide feedback and he usually requires for addition clarification in regards to what have been written. Therefore, I will
forward to you the question(s) from my professor. Please answer the question(s) accordingly.
Per class requirement, all papers must be submitted to Smarthinking for review before I can submit it in therefore please revise the paper according to Smarthinking
In text citation from the following texts:
MacNeil and Newell’s 2004 article "School Bullying: Who, Why, and What to Do" in The Prevention Researcher, volume 11, issue 3, pages 15–22.
Santrock pages 372–374 Chapter 10 which discuss bullying in adolescence.
Part II: Response Guidelines
Respond to two other learners. Your responses are expected to be substantive in nature and reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or
professional literature that supports your views and writings.
Part I: Question 1: School Bullying
Draw from both articles and discuss the issue of bullying in school and other contexts (for example, internet or technology bullying).Taking into account how
adolescent development theories explore possible solutions to the problem.
Part II: Response Guidelines
Respond to at least two other learners. Your responses are expected to be substantive in nature and reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical,
empirical, or professional literature that supports your views and writings.
Part I: Question 2: Adolescent Problem Behaviors
Choose one or two adolescent problem behaviors (stress, drug use, delinquency, violence, or depression), and review the current research. How does this problem
behavior relate to what you know about adolescent development?
Part II: Response Guidelines
Respond to at least two other learners. Your responses are expected to be substantive in nature and reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical,
empirical, or professional literature that supports your views and writings.