More info will be provided for teamwork and what we did in group for teamwork in class and seminar everything need to be interlink from filed work, presentation, seminar we did during our this course.
Students will individually prepare an essay to demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of the module (3,000 words ± 10%). The report will address the question.
‘How have the individual/group exercises and experiences on this module and (if applicable) from your experience of work confirmed or contradicted your understanding of [insert selected two areas of management theory]?
You should select three topic areas from the following;
Teamwork, motivation, leadership,
Your paper must address the following points, you may write in the first person:
a) demonstrate wide reading around the topics (you will be expected to have read, understood and correctly cited the key books and journal articles that are up to date)
b) critically analyse the findings of the key researchers/authors in the field
c) explore the different perspectives on the topics in a balanced way;
d) reflect on the implications for your approach to management, team working etc. as they relate to the group work you have undertaken on this module in particular focussing on the residential and presentation (including feedback sheets from the residential);
e) Follow the format for submission guidelines given in the table overleaf.
f) The paper should be logically structured with an introduction and conclusion that addresses the question set.