Introductio- to literature and Cumm- Setfiol I – Mn. Carp ‘ ‘ 7
n some watts of literature. childhood and adolescence are ponmyed as times graced by inmxzcnec and a mac “f ‘ “ \’ k
gn fen-er mks» they am depicwd as times ornibulmim and m. consider haw childhood and mksmncc is wnnycd
m M” 30ok Thief- What 53 Significant about the representation ol’ childhood and adolescence in Zimlk’l now”
Howdouhmhl’nnhdpnhWfiem-hgoflhmkuaww? n
L RcV’CW “fies from Class, think about the questions, and then carefully reread the following scenes: fi’
a. “unmet 5m 2029; 5941; 99400; 219-231; 3 12-3 as; 353-358 l
b“ Boo.“ ”d Ming 36-37; lose! I}; llS-l I6; “9-122; l32-l 36; 26! 4-263; 380-384 z ”_ i
7 Taks.00:;humm§wmmity 391-396, 48949 1, 509-5 1 5; 535-539 ‘ 1er
a. . (looking a! ewdenoe- dflmls from the ten and strategies, such as setting. figurative. languagm lflm’. t 4
symbolism, and characterization) on why these moments of childhood arc significant and how they hclp to convey
tlw man’mg affix work as a whole. .. r.
3. Look over all your information and draft an introductory paragraph, in which you introduce the novel and the
topic (depictions ofchildhood in Ike Book 77nd) in a few senterw and then establish your thesis in one y
sentence (answering the two questions above).
4- Outline your analysis and evideme for the first Topic (including a main idw relevant sands) – what is revealed
in the scends), analysis of how this is revmled throng] writing strategies. evidence from the scends) ~ quotations
and paraphrase with citations, and discussion of why this evidence is importzmt in revealing the meaning of the
work s a wink). You an comm to other mus ofthe novel as well. , 111
5. Submit the draft ofyour introduction and your outline of the first topic on December 12 as l’nrt l. i,
6. Aw receiving part l Mk, revise your introduction and thesis if necessary make my adjustments to your first fig
topic and outline and continue to outline each one according to suggestions. i
7. Wrim, revise, edit. goofim and submit an analysis paper exploring the questions – What is significant about
the depictions of childhood and adolescence in Zusalr’s novel? How docs this representation help us tn “W
understand the naming of the work as a whole? Your finished paper should consider all the mwg‘,fics ahwc‘ ifs» g
Sim” comm “figs of 55751] ms (and oomnm to otha’ Ms of the novel if helpful),