Questions for Amazing grace: The lives of children and the conscience of a nation by J. Kozol.
On Feb 21 we will have an in-depth class discussion of the above book. In preparation, each student must answer in writing the following questions related to the book and its topics. It is expected that at least two to three paragraphs would be appropriate to answer each question. Follow APA format for all citations, and for the reference and title page. Maximum accepted length is 10–12 pages not including title page or reference page.
This assignment is worth a total of 100 points. Each question is worth 8 points. Your thoughtful participation during our group discussion will determine the remaining 20 points of your grade on this assignment.
- Social determinants of health (sdh) are not discussed per se, but are exemplified in nearly every page of this book. Provide a definition of social determinants of health (cite source) and list at least three examples of sdh from the book.
- The author spends a considerable amount of time discussing Mrs. Washington and her family, her plight with AIDS, and her encounters with the hospital and social services. Describe Mrs. Washington’s hospital experiences and provide your thoughts on her experiences.
- On p. 23 there is a discussion about “blaming the victim…” What does this refer to and what is your take on this issue?
- The following quote comes from p. 43: “It’s not like being in a jail,” she says. “It’s more like being ‘hidden.’ It’s as if you have been put in a garage where, if they don’t have room for something but aren’t sure if they should throw it out, they put it there where they don’t need to think of it again.” What do you think the woman means? What are your thoughts about the above statements?
- On p. 45-46 there is a discussion about ‘power’. What are the subjects in this book referring to and who do you think owns the ‘power’?
- On p. 81 you will find the following statement: “The notion of the ghettos as a ‘sin’ committed by society is not confronted.” What is meant by this statement? What are your thoughts regarding this statement?
- What is meant by “traumatization as a regular state of mind? (p. 140). How does such traumatization effect the individual, family, group and society?
- On p. 168 there is a reference to “the atrophy of childhood by physical and spiritual night.” What do you believe is meant by this statement? Provide examples.
- What is your impression of life for children living in Mott Haven? How do the children perceive their lives? Provide examples.
- Read one of the articles posted in blackboard regarding “white privilege.” What do you think the term means, and do you believe that this concept exists today? Provide rationale to support your assertion(s).