Provide an example of an innovative business strategy in your organization that was a collaborative design involving the principles of marketing and business development for improvement of a health delivery system. Incorporate information, as necessary, from tables 14-1, 14-2, 14-3 in your discussion. What was your role in this process? Introduction Healthcare organizations depend on collaborative efforts for success with strategic planning. Marketing and business departments within organizations require input from all stakeholders. The role of marketing is to disseminate the healthcare delivery plan, as outlined by the organization. In this Module we will expand the scope of the collaborative team to include marketing and business development as key partners for ensuring quality service. Objectives Upon completion of Module VII, students will be able to: • relate the definition of healthcare marketing and business development to interprofessional teams. • discuss how organizational interprofessional collaboration requires marketing and business development. • analyze a model for collaboration in marketing. • compare and contrast marketing and business development skills required of individuals on healthcare teams. Readings • Freshman, Rubino, & Chassiakos (2010) Chapter 14. • Chang, C.S., & Chang, H.C. (2009). Perceptions of Internal Marketing and Organizational Commitment by Nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(1), 92-100. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04844.x Please go to the Wilkes Farley Library to access this article.