2- Complete and well thought out sentence structure
3- no Mechanical and grammatical errors
4-One or two outside source to cite for this essay that supports your ideas
5-Look for sources that provide film analysis (exploration of Meaning/Ideology/POV, etc.)
6-avoid popular movie review sites
7-MLA format
8- answer the following questions
I. Analyze the Meaning: 1. Identify AT LEAST TWO (2) motifs or themes established in the film. How are they established, and specifically where does the film show or support them? Cite specific examples within the film and explain how your observations establish or support a theme or motif. (3 points) 2. Through the establishment of the themes or motifs above, what is one possible thesis for the meaning of the film? In other words, what ideas is the film inviting the viewer to accept and how do the ideas and symbolism you outlined in Question 1 demonstrate that thesis? (Example: Love can transcend barriers of class) (2 points)
II. Analyze Point of View and Narrative3. Who tells the story? Describe the point of view. How does the point of view shape the narrative? (2 Points)4. Who acts as protagonist, what goals are pursued, and who are the villains that oppose them? (3 Points)5. Climax: How do the conflict or conflicts come to a climax and resolution? (2 points)III. Analyze Ideology: 6. In looking at your thesis, what ideological comments might the film be making? How does the film comment on ideological issues of our time, like gender, race, class, sexuality, ethnicity, the environment, etc.? Can you relate the thesis to a current or semi-current issue, event, movement, etc? Think again about the themes presented in the film to draw connections to present-day topics
THE ASSIGNMENT: Choose one film we’ve watched in class (or will have watched by the
time this assignment is due). Write an essay that explores and answers the questions
below in regards to the film’s meaning, point of view, narrative, and ideology. The
essay will be NO LESS THAN 800 WORDS and NO MORE THAN 1500 Words. Please write
the title of your chosen film into the title of your essay, and make sure your name is
also on the document.
Complete and well thought out sentence structure is a must! Mechanical and
grammatical errors will result in a loss of points for the assignment. For more
information on the grading definitions for this assignment, please see the course
This essay WILL REQUIRE OUTSIDE RESEARCH (texts other than the ones assigned in
class). You will need to find AT LEAST ONE outside source to cite for this essay that
supports your ideas and/or furthers your analysis.
BEWARE articles that are popular review – Look for sources that provide film analysis
(exploration of Meaning/Ideology/POV, etc.) and avoid popular movie review sites. You
MUST make a Works Cited page for your essay, including your outside source AND the
film you chose. NO WIKIPEDIA CITATIONS! Please cite all works in MLA format. See the
course syllabus for additional guidance on citing films.
(No Outside Research Source – 2 points // Below Required Word Count – 5 Points)
THE QUESTIONS: Your essay should answer ALL of the following questions about your
chosen film. If your essay fails to answer any of the following questions, points will be
I. Analyze the Meaning:
1. Identify AT LEAST TWO (2) motifs or themes established in the film. How are they
established, and specifically where does the film show or support them? Cite specific
examples within the film and explain how your observations establish or support a theme
or motif. (3 points)
2. Through the establishment of the themes or motifs above, what is one possible thesis for
the meaning of the film? In other words, what ideas is the film inviting the viewer to accept
and how do the ideas and symbolism you outlined in Question 1 demonstrate that thesis?
(Example: Love can transcend barriers of class) (2 points)
II. Analyze Point of View and Narrative
3. Who tells the story? Describe the point of view. How does the point of view shape the
narrative? (2 Points)
4. Who acts as protagonist, what goals are pursued, and who are the villains that oppose
them? (3 Points)
5. Climax: How do the conflict or conflicts come to a climax and resolution? (2 points)
III. Analyze Ideology:
6. In looking at your thesis, what ideological comments might the film be making? How
does the film comment on ideological issues of our time, like gender, race, class, sexuality,
ethnicity, the environment, etc.? Can you relate the thesis to a current or semi-current
issue, event, movement, etc? Think again about the themes presented in the film to draw
connections to present-day topics. (3 points)
Your essay will be graded in the following manner:
• 15 Points possible for addressing and answering the questions from this prompt in
your essay.
• 15 Points possible for format; this includes the structure of your essay, the ease in
which it can be read and in which your ideas flow, and the amount of mechanical
errors exist within your essay that distract from your ideas.
• 5 Points possible for evaluation of your provided research. Strong sources that
contribute to and support your observations within your essay will earn full points.
This assignment is worth 35 points total and is due ON CANVAS by 11:59pm on
March 5th, 2018.