Paper details:
Writing Project #2: Compare and Contrast Male and Female Slave Narratives”I would never consent to give my past life to anyone without giving the whole truth.”Harriet “Linda Brent” Jacobs Should high school teachers include both the male and female slave narratives in history classes? Write a persuasive letter to the School Board that explains your stance. Make references to two narratives (one from a male, the other a female) to support your claim.Things to consider:•Reflect on how slavery was taught when you were in high school. •Whose perspective framed that time period portrayed in the history books?•What are the implications and consequences of such teaching?•What could be gained or lost with the inclusion of slave narratives in the curriculum?•Which two narratives will you focus on? Which aspects or details of the narratives will you draw from to support your conclusion?CT Outcomes:•EXPLAIN the claim you are supporting.•ANALYZE and INTERPRET relevant information.•EVALUATE information to determine potential conclusions.•GENERATE a well-reasoned conclusion