The Big ‘O’ and Sexual Behaviors”
Read the Think About It box, “Is Intercourse Enough? The Big ‘O’ and Sexual Behaviors” on pages 446 and 447 in your text and answer the following questions:
How important is experiencing an orgasm? Why do you feel this way?
Can a person experience physical satisfaction and not experience an orgasm during sex? Do you think men and women feel the same about this?
If you are sexually active, have you ever faked an orgasm? Why? If you are not sexually active, would you fake an orgasm? Why or why not?
For each question within the lesson journal topic, journal responses must be between 3-5 sentences in length. Responses should follow the format of the journal questions by indicating which question each response is for (i.e. 1. 2., etc.). You must address each question, providing feedback on the topic. Incomplete sentences and incorrect sentence structure, including capitalization and punctuation will receive deductions.
2. modeling behavior:Papyrus-RT and Simulink.
In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding the two new tools introduced for modeling behavior:Papyrus-RT and Simulink.You will be modeling(semantically)the same system in both tools.
Therewillbe2partstothisassignment.Youwillbecreatingasystemtogeneraterandomnumbers, process them in in some manner, then compare the results for output. You will implement the system in both Papyrus-RT and inSimulink.
- Thefollowingisthebasicbehaviorofthesystemregardlessofimplementation:
- You must generate 3 random numbers between 1 and100.
- Eachrandomnumbermustbepassedtosomeothercomponenttoprocessthe number in someway:
- The first, called A, will double thenumber.
- The second, called B, will add 37 to thenumber.
- The third, called C, will square the number and subtract100.
- All three results will be stored forcomparison.
- The highest of the three values will determine thewinner:
- IfAisthehighest,thenAwins;ifBisthehighest,thenBwins,etc.
- Youwillneedtokeeptrackofthewinnerineachround(A,B,orC),andacountfor each of them to determine an overallwinner.
- Ultimately,yourcompetitionwillhave100values,thus100roundsofcompetition, and the number of winners should add up to100.
- The following should be considered for your Papyrus-RTimplementation:
- Youwillneed4capsules:1centralcapsuleforthegeneratorandcomparison,and1 for each of A, B, andC.
- Thisassignmentwillrequirepassingofparameterswithmessages–youwillneedto look into how to dothis.
- A,B,andCshouldonlyreceivemessageswithanumber,processitintheirown way, and send it back to the centralcapsule.
- Thecentralcapsuleshouldwaittoreceiveallthreeresultsback,comparethem,and determinethatround’swinner(loggingoutput),aswellasupdatecountersforthe winner.
- Attheendofthe100runs,thesystemshouldpickanultimatewinner;thatisthe system(A,B,orC)thathadthemostwinsoverthe100rounds.
- The following should be considered for your Simulinkimplementation:
- You will need a variable to keep track of wins for A, B, andC.
- You will also need to count the number of wins for each of A, B, andC.
- ProcessingforA,B,andCshouldtakeplaceinseparatesubsystems.
- Your values should work for BOTH simulation AND generatedcode.
- Makesuretosetallmodelpropertiesasappropriate(thingslikesolvertype,stepsize, the type of output,etc.)
- Oncebotharecompleted,youwillneedto“officially”runeach3timesasfollows:
- RunyourPapyrus-RTsystembygeneratingthecode,andrunningit3timesjustas wedidforLab5,redirectingoutputtofilesforinclusioninsubmission.
- SimulateyourSimulinkmodeltwice,thengeneratethecodeandrunitonceforthe3 runs.Youwillneedtocapturetheoutputintheworkspaceaftereachrun.
What to Submit
- Your Papyrus-RT Implementation
- Include all structure diagrams, state diagrams, and code snippets in thesame manner and detail as for Lab5.
- Your Simulink ModelImplementation
- A screenshot of the completed SimulinkModel
- Youmustshowtheinsideofanycontainedsubsystemsbyopeningthemupand providing additional screenshots.
- Your Papyrus-RTOutputs
- Your SimulinkOutputs
- Ascreenshotoftheworkspaceafterthetwosimulationruns–deleteallvaluesafter eachrun
- AscreenshotoftheworkspaceaftergeneratingandrunningtheExecutablefile,and loading the resulting .mat file into theworkspace.
There will be a total of 120 pointsavailable, broken down as follows:
Category | High Quality | Medium Quality | Low Quality | No Points |
Papyrus-RT Model | ||||
Papyrus-RT Implementation
– Structure Diagrams |
Structure diagrams are provided for Top capsule and 4 contained capsules, showing proper
connections, ports, etc. |
One or more structure diagrams are missing OR there are inconsistencies present in the diagrams. | Two or more structure diagrams are missing OR there are significant structural issues present. | No structure diagrams were submitted. |
12 Points | 8 Points | 4 Points | 0 Points | |
Papyrus-RT Implementation
– Main System State Machine |
State machine for main capsule shows proper states based on the provided requirements. | Main state machine is missing some of the key functionality. | Mainstatemachineisdoes not reflect the desired behavior. | No main state machine submitted. |
10 Points | 6 Points | 3 Points | 0 Points | |
Papyrus-RT Implementation
– Main System Code Snippets |
Code snippets in the Main system accurately reflect the required behavior and make use of proper syntax
and semantics. |
Code snippets are missing some details to reflect all functionality. | Significant functionality is missing from the code snippets in the main system. | No code snippets for main system submitted. |
10 Points | 6 Points | 3 Points | 0 Points | |
Papyrus-RT Implementation
– 3 x Processing State Machines |
All three state machines correctly model the specified behavior of taking
in a number, processing, and sending back. |
1 or more state machine is missing or has minor errors in their behavior. | 2ormorestatemachinesare missingorhaveminorerrors intheirbehaviorORmajor
errorsarepresentinanystate machine. |
Noprocessing statemachines submitted. |
10 Points | 6 Points | 3 Points | 0 Points | |
Papyrus-RT Implementation
– 3 x Processing Code Snippets |
All three sets of code snippets accurately reflect therequiredbehaviorand makeuseofpropersyntax
and semantics. |
Code snippets are missing some details to reflect all functionality. | Significant functionality is missing from the code snippets for any one processing system. | No code snippets for processing systems
submitted. |
10 Points | 6 Points | 3 Points | 0 Points | |
Simulink Model | ||||
Simulink Implementation
– Random Generation and Comparison |
The top level Simulink systemshowsclearlyhow numbers are generated, passedtosystems,andthe returned resultscompared for awinner. | There are several errors present in the logic of the main system causing some incorrect behavior in generating numbers or comparing the processed
values. |
Significant errors exist that cause the behavior of the mainsystemnottoreflectthe systemrequirements. | No main system implementation was provided. |
14 Points | 8 Points | 4 Points | 0 Points | |
Simulink Implementation
– 3 x Processing Subsystems |
Each contained subsystem demonstrates correct behavior by performing the correct manipulation of the
input data. |
1 or more processing subsystem is missing from the model OR errors are present in 1 or more that
cause some issues. |
2 or more processing subsystems are missing from the model OR significant errors are present in any of
the subsystems. |
No processing subsystems were provided. |
16 Points | 9 Points | 5 Points | 0 Points | |
Simulink Implementation
– I/O Management |
The input and outputs are correctly handled using the right Simulink blocks. | Some of the input values and output values are handled incorrectly. | Significant input and output values are handled incorrectly, causing issues. | No management of I/O was done. |
12 Points | 7 Points | 3 Points | 0 Points |
Category | High Quality | Medium Quality | Low Quality | No Points |
Output Submissions | ||||
Output – Papyrus-RT runs x 3 | 3 Papyrus RT runs are provided clearly showing thewinnereachroundand the overallwinner. | 1 or more run is missing fromthesubmission,orthe runs are not different, indicating issueswith
generation. |
2ormorerunsaremissing from the submission or significant errors in the outputexist. | No Papyrus-RT output runs were submitted. |
10 Points | 6 Points | 3 Points | 0 Points | |
Output – Simulink Simulation Outputs | 2 Simulink Outputs are providedshowingclearly thefinalcountsforeach
subsystem, and thatother outputsweregenerated. |
Oneoftheoutputrunsis missingORsomeminor errorsarepresentinthe resultingoutputs. | Significant discrepancies are present in the outputs that demonstrate a lack of
conformance to the requirements. |
No Simulation outputs were provided. |
6 Points | 3 Points | 2 Points | 0 Points | |
Output – Simulink Generated Code Outputs | Generated output shows thesuccessofgenerationof code, as well as the final countsoftherun,andthat other outputswere
generated. |
The generated outputs have minor errors in them. | Significant errors/discrepancies are present in the outputs. | No generated code outputs were provided. |
4 Points | 2 Points | 1 Point | 0 Points | |
Document Presentation | ||||
Professional Document | A well formatted, easy to read, professional
document was submitted. |
Minor issues with document in terms of presentation. | Significant issues with document in terms of
presentation. |
The submitted document is
unprofessional. |
6 Points | 4 Points | 2 Points | 0 Points |