The is a combination of two asignments
1;Macro-Economics Journal Project
Order Description
1. Choose a specific company, financial institution, a branch of the government or central bank.
2. Identify 5 mix of macro-economic financial indicators that affect this company, or indexes that affect your company and keep track of the events that affects these indexes.
3. Keep weekly journal of this indicators.
4. The journal should be present in a 1-2 pages summary of the current events logged in your journal and their impact in the international financial market.
5. The summary should include the following 3 steps:
• List of 3-6 international macro-economic trends that you have noticed over the course of the semester
• After examining these trends identify specific investment opportunities and encompass them in an overall corporate financial strategy
• Using your findings in step 1 and 2, develop a brief outline of the overall international financial stance and model for your company.
2; Crime and Punishment
Order Description
Dostoevsky wrote Crime and Punishment, in part, to show the problematic ways that modern European intellectual currents are absorbed and refracted in the Russian soul. Choose any scene or incident (excluding Svidrigailov’s dream and suicide) in the novel that illustrates this claim.