Organizational Operations and Strategies
Current Company Operations
Financial Aspects
(choose at least five of the following issues)
Organizational Hierarchy and Structure
Human Resources
Labor Relations
Legal Aspects (or Ethical Aspects)
Technology and Information Systems
Marketing Issues
Industry Environment
Strategic Planning (or Short-term Planning)
Corporate and Business Strategies
(choose at least five of the following issues)
Mission and Goals
Corporate Strategy
Lines of business.
Relation of Business Lines
Strategy Over Time
Strategy Implementation
Competitive Strategies
Investment Strategies
Functional Strategies
Impacts on Strategy Formulation
hjmn Research and development.
Structure and Control
Vertical Differentiated
Horizontal Differentiated
Compensation and Rewards
Chapter 3: Organizational Operations and Strategies
Overview: You introduced the organization in Chapter 1, provided some historical highlights, and described its current functions. This chapter offers a more in-depth look into the organization’s operations and business strategies with a focus on problems, issues, weaknesses, or threats described in Chapter 2. You will build upon these problems in Chapter 4 as you conduct a SWOT analysis.
Details: This chapter includes two major sections that offer a thorough discussion of the organization under review. Discussion in this chapter should include insight from the literature search you performed in Chapter 2 as well as support for your research question and hypothesis. Details for preparing each section are as indicated below.
Section I: Current Company Operations
In this section you will provide subheadings and explore the bulleted subjects listed at the end of this paragraph to help in identifying one or more areas exhibiting weakness or threats for further analysis (consistent with the research question and hypothesis in Chapter 1). Each item includes a reference to one or more BAS courses so that you can incorporate a discussion of theories or concepts introduced in the program. You should also refer to “A SWOT Checklist” (Table 1 in Appendix pp.C4-C5, of Hill & Jones textbook) to help in defining possible concerns you intend to explore later. Also, refer to the resource guide entitled Theories & Concepts Associated with Learning Outcomes (provided with this course) for assistance in recalling or categorizing this information.
Provide subdivision headings to discuss the financial aspects (the first item below) and at least five other issues listed below:
• Briefly cover recent historical and current financial aspects of the organization; important note: if you are researching a publicly held company, include financial information from a recent Income Statement and Balance Sheet. You will need this information if your thesis addresses financial issues such as profitability, for example. You should also include a financial data comparison to your organization’s competitors in the industry.
• Organizational hierarchy and structure as well as a preliminary summary of management and leadership styles in the organization
• Human resource aspects of the organization including a review of benefits and pay scales relative to the market (Is the compensation appropriate? Are the rewards adequate?)
• Labor relations issues
• Specific legal or ethical issues relevant during the organization’s recent history
• A summary of technology and information systems employed by the organization
• Marketing issues
• Operations decisions or operations procedures such as quality manufacturing programs other concentration courses or electives as appropriate)
• Industry environment factors that could threaten the organization’s future competitive success
• Strategic planning or short-term planning issues pertinent to the study
In Section II: Corporate & Business Strategies you will outline some of the company’s strategies. Provide subdivision headings to discuss at least five of the following issues:
• Define the company’s mission & goals, either from official statements or from the analysis so far
• Define corporate strategy by describing lines of business and acquisitions
• Determine if the business lines are related or just a portfolio of investments
• Define the company’s strategy such as related or unrelated diversification
• Determine if the strategy changed over time
• Discuss the implementation of the strategy to date and explain why it was or was not successful
• Identify the generic competitive strategies such as differentiation, low-cost, focus, etc.
• Identify the investment strategies based on competition & life cycle stages
• Mention any functional strategies that help it achieve competitive advantage such as efficiency, quality, innovation, customer responsiveness, etc.
• Investigate the impact of production, marketing, and research & development on strategy formulation
• Do the company’s structure & control systems support its corporate/business strategies?
• Does it have the right levels of hierarchy & decentralization if vertically differentiated?
• Does it employ a functional structure when a product structure is more appropriate if horizontally differentiated?
• Are controls in place to ensure adequate compensation and reward systems?
Section III: Chapter Summary. Briefly summarize chapter 3.
The following Checklist exercise will help you identify any problems in your chapter prior to submitting. If you complete this checklist (assuming you have answered “Yes” to each item) and you still need personal feedback, contact your professor for further instructions (see Chapter 2 Checklist, below).
Chapter 3 Checklist
Before submitting, self-assess your completed chapter by completing this checklist
Item to Check Explanation Yes No
Does the chapter meet SAFE ASSIGN Matching Index rules?
Have you provided 2 main Section Subheadings as required in the outline? Did you list headings for Section I: Current Company Operations & Section II: Corporate & Business Strategies? Suggestion: After finishing your paper print it and use a pen to label or circle the required elements and/or subheadings on the corresponding section of your paper. This will help to make sure you (and your instructor) can identify the required elements
For Section I- Have you provided a heading for financials plus 5 other subdivision headings to address the required items? Did you include financial information from Income Statements and Balance Sheets? Did you provide information on at least five other bulleted subjects listed in the section to help in identifying one or more areas exhibiting weakness or threats?
For Section II-Have you provided at least 5 subdivision headings and addressed the required items? Provide subdivision headings and discuss at least five of the issues surrounding the company’s strategies. Include subheadings and a discussion of issues such as mission & goals, corporate strategy, lines of business and acquisitions, related or portfolio investments
Demonstrate the ability to apply the terminology, concepts, and basic management theories presented in the BAS program. The first of two primary learning outcomes to demonstrate in this chapter is LO-1: the ability to “apply skills acquired in management, international business, marketing, business law, accounting, finance, economics, and management information systems to different business environments.” The second outcome to demonstrate is LO-2 (Comprehend and apply ethical practices in professional activities).
Length: Research Paper Chapter 3 is 5 or 6 pages
Create a case scenario and address the following areas for your assignment: (1) etiology; (2) pathophysiology; (3) signs and symptoms (related to pathophysiology); and (4) diagnosis, treatment, and management (based upon pathophysiology). These assignments should be between 3 and 5 pages in length and contain references used.
These assignments are meant to have you relate pathophysiological concepts to clinical situations. The topic areas are mostly disease or disorders, but there are a few procedures or broader topic areas. You are NOT expected to develop a COMPREHENSIVE research paper, but rather tell a story or describe one possible patient experience related to the topic.
Please begin with a ?case scenario? related to the topic area. This should be a story describing a typical patient with the condition or including the clinical subject. This should be approximately one paragraph in length, and does not need full patient details.
Then, cover the following areas, keeping in mind that your emphasis should be relating concepts to pathophysiology. The four areas are:
1. Etiology
2. Pathophysiology
3. Signs/Symptoms (connect to underlying pathophysiology)
4. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management (connect to underlying pathophysiology)