MAE 331 Course Project Fall 2018 Contemporary Issues in Fluid Mechanics
For this semester, you will be required to complete a course project. This project is focused on addressing the ABET outcome that graduates will have knowledge of contemporary issues and has several options as described below. This can be an individual student project or as a team – maximum is a 4-student team.
You will develop a 4-5-page overview (including calculations and references) of a contemporary issue in fluid mechanics.This semester, I would like to know how you would use what you learned in this Fluid Mechanics course to address water scarcity in arid or densely populated area for agriculture or environmental purposes. A solution is to increase water productivity, which is to minimize the amount of water used for agricultural or environmental purposes. Your task for this semester is to design and calculate an irrigation system for a 0.25-acre piece of land in Morgantown, WV. The land can be an orchard or a garden. Use well-established irrigation methods such as flood irrigation. sprinkler irrigation, trickle irrigation, or surface drip. Once you calculated the water needs (be sure to consider the annual/seasonal/monthly amount of rain), you must design a simple system that will deliver the water to the locations of interest. The system will include an electric pump and all the piping and nozzles (if needed). You must show all the equations you used for calculations and explain why you used them.
I will not accept project topics not approved by me. I would suggest starting this early; I may deny your first choice or another person/team may have already selected that topic. If denied, you will need to find a different topic and the topic needs to be finalized by this date.
This will be on an 8.5 x 11 page, single space, Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1” margin. If you include a graph, photo or image, you can go up to 5 pages. 5 pages is the MAX. Make sure to list ALL references used to develop this summary. Note: The project will be submitted using the “Turn-It-In” software on to check for plagiarism. If you plagiarize your paper, you will get a zero on the project. If you don’t know what plagiarism is, please see me. Please use the following header for your paper.
MAE 331 – Fall 2018
Contemporary Issues in Fluid Mechanics
**Topic Title**
This needs to be submitted also as a hard copy by the due date with no exceptions.
If you are not sure if your topic meets the criterion this project, please bounce it off of me to make sure your topic is a valid one.
November 29th: this is the due date for this submission. This is the before-last regular class period. The write up needs to be submitted electronically using the “Turn-It-In” software on as well as a hard copy to me by 5 pm on this day. For this topic, it may be helpful to include one or more images on your concept. NO late projects will be accepted. You can submit at any point before the deadline.
The grade for this project will count as 5% of your final grade.