you will need to use this site:
Monthly climate summaries Canada
This site contains various monthly climate data from various locations in Canada starting in the 1840s and running up to August 2018.
You will be assigned one location in Ontario and you must choose one location in Canada outside Ontario.
Getting Data
You are to use the site to get the following data for your locations:
Ontario Location
- Average monthly data from 1997 to 2017 (21 continuous months) for each of the months January and July.
- Average monthly data (21 continuous months) from within the period 1947 through 1996 for each of the months January and July.
Other Canadian Location
- Monthly data from 1997 to 2017 (21 continuous months) for each of the months January and July.
- Monthly data (21 continuous months) from within the period 1897 through 1996 for each of the months January and July. Not all locations will have data for every month within the range so you have to find a location that does.
What you should have:
For location 1, two data ranges for January and two data ranges for July.
For location 2, two data ranges for January and two data ranges for July.
This gives 8 data ranges in total.
Average Monthly data Tm is the fifth column from the left in the data summary.
You are to submit a paper having the following structure:
Part 1: Pages 1 and 2 (no less than one page and no more than two pages): Location names, latitudes and longitudes. What were the highest and lowest temperature values in each of the temperature ranges? What were the mean (average) temperature values in each of the temperature ranges? (This is an average of the Tm values.) Do you observe any indication of increased temperature over time when comparing each location’s temperature ranges? Describe your observations about the data.
Part 2: Pages 3 through 5 (no less than one page and no more than three pages): A description of your sites: where they are located (including latitude and longitude), local population, typical climate, brief description including history. If there isn’t much about a site then near enough to the site to likely be similar.
Part 3: References.